首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >Associations of dietary folate, Vitamins B6 and B12 and methionine intake with risk of breast cancer among African American and European American women

Associations of dietary folate, Vitamins B6 and B12 and methionine intake with risk of breast cancer among African American and European American women


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African American (AA) women are more likely than European American (EA) women to be diagnosed with breast cancer at younger ages and to develop poor prognosis tumors. However, these racial differences are largely unexplained. Folate and other methyl-group nutrients may be related to breast carcinogenesis, but few studies have examined these associations in AA populations. We examined the associations of dietary intake of these nutrients with breast cancer risk overall, by menopausal and estrogen receptor (ER) status among 1,582 AA (749 cases) and 1,434 EA (744 cases) women using data from a case-control study, the Women's Circle of Health Study. Unconditional multivariable logistic regression models were used to compute odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the association of each nutrient and breast cancer risk. In AA women, inverse associations were observed for natural food folate intake among premenopausal women (fourth vs. first quartile: OR = 0.57, 95% CI, 0.33-1.00; p for trend = 0.06) and for ER-positive tumors (fourth vs. first quartile: OR = 0.58, 95% CI, 0.36-0.93; p for trend = 0.03), whereas in EA women, a positive association was observed for intake of synthetic folate (fourth vs. first quartile: OR = 1.53, 95% CI, 1.06-2.21; p for trend = 0.03). Our findings suggest that natural food folate intake is inversely associated with breast cancer risk and that this association may vary by race, menopausal status or ER status. The finding of an increased risk observed among EA women with the highest intake of synthetic folate from fortified foods warrants further investigation. What's new? Differences exist between African-American and European-American women when it comes to breast cancer. But while these differences may be explained in part by nutritional factors, such as intake of folate and other methyl-group nutrients, few studies have explored this possibility. Here, an inverse association was found between natural food folate intake and breast cancer risk in premenopausal and estrogen receptor (ER)-positive African Americans. By comparison, a positive association was found for synthetic folate intake in European Americans. Thus, race, menopausal and ER status, and folate source may influence a possible link between folate intake and breast cancer risk.
机译:非裔美国人(AA)妇女比欧洲裔美国人(EA)妇女更容易被诊断出患有乳腺癌,并发展出不良的预后肿瘤。但是,这些种族差异在很大程度上是无法解释的。叶酸和其他甲基营养素可能与乳腺癌的发生有关,但是很少有研究检查AA人群中的这些关联。我们采用病例对照研究的数据,通过更年期和雌激素受体(ER)状态对1,582 AA(749例)和1,434 EA(744例)妇女的饮食摄入量与总体乳腺癌风险之间的关系进行了研究。妇女健康研究小组。使用无条件多变量logistic回归模型来计算每种营养素与乳腺癌风险之间的关联的比值比(OR)和95%置信区间(CI)。在机管局妇女中,绝经前妇女的天然食品叶酸摄入量(第四对第一四分位数:OR = 0.57,95%CI,0.33-1.00;趋势p = 0.06,p呈负相关)和ER阳性肿瘤(第四对。第一个四分位数:OR = 0.58,95%CI,0.36-0.93;趋势的p = 0.03),而在EA女性中,合成叶酸的摄入量呈正相关(第四与第一个四分位数:OR = 1.53,95) %CI,1.06-2.21;趋势p = 0.03)。我们的研究结果表明,摄入天然食物叶酸与患乳腺​​癌的风险呈反比关系,并且这种关系可能因种族,更年期状态或ER状态而异。从强化食品中摄入最高合成叶酸的EA女性中发现的风险增加值得进一步研究。什么是新的?在乳腺癌方面,非洲裔美国妇女和欧美妇女之间存在差异。但是,尽管这些差异可能部分由营养因素(例如叶酸和其他甲基营养素的摄入量)解释,但很少有研究探索这种可能性。在这里,发现绝经前和雌激素受体(ER)阳性的非洲裔美国人的天然食物叶酸摄入量与乳腺癌风险之间存在反相关关系。相比之下,欧洲人发现合成叶酸摄入量呈正相关。因此,种族,更年期和ER状态以及叶酸来源可能会影响叶酸摄入与乳腺癌风险之间的可能联系。



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