首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Palladium-catalysed spirocyclisation of 3-acetoxy-1-(4-aminoalkyl)cyclohexenes

Palladium-catalysed spirocyclisation of 3-acetoxy-1-(4-aminoalkyl)cyclohexenes




J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. I 1988 PaIladi um-cataIysed Spirocyclisation of 3-Acetoxy -l -(4-aminoaIkyl)-cyclohexenes William Carruthers and Roger C. Moses Chemistry Department, The University, Stocker Road, Exeter EX4 4QD The 2,7-disubstituted 1-azaspiro5.5undecene (2; R = pentyl, R' = Bu) cannot be obtained by PdO- catalysed cyclisation of the cyclohexenyl acetate (1; R = pentyl, R1 = Bu), but the monosubstituted derivative (2; R = H, R1 = CH,OCH,OCH,Ph) is readily obtained from (1; R = H, R' = CH,OCH,-OCH,Ph). In earlier work Pdo-catalysed cyclisation of 3-acetoxy-l-(4- aminoalky1)cyclohexenes e.g. (1; R = H, R' = Bu) was shown to provide a convenient route to 1-azaspiroC5.5)-undecenes e.g.(2; R = H, R' = Bu) and this reaction formed the basis of a synthesis of depentylperhydrohistrionicotoxin(3; R = H, R' = Bu).~It seemed of interest to determine whether the same sequence could be used to prepare perhydro-histrionicotoxin itself (3; R = pentyl, R' = Bu) from the appropriate precursor (1; R = pentyl, R' = Bu), thus circum- venting the troublesome introduction of the pentyl substituent into the preformed spirocyclic nucleus in some syntheses of the alkal~id.~In the event we have been unable to effect the cyclisation of (1; R = pentyl, R' = Bu).WCH, Ph RiH RH C5H11@r (3) (4) (5) (6) The amine (1; R = pentyl, R' = Bu) was obtained from the alcohol (4) by the sequence of reactions employed in the synthesis of depentylperhydrohistrionicotoxin,' namely, con- version into the toluene-p-sulphonate, reduction of the carbonyl group with sodium borohydride and cerium ~hloride,~ acetylation of the resulting alcohol, and final displacement of the sulphonyloxy group by reaction with benzylamine in the presence of sodium iodide.Preparation of the alcohol (4) caused some problems. It was initially attempted by reaction of the Normant-Grignard reagent from 1 -chlorononan-4-01 with 2-butyl-3-ethoxycyclohex-2-enone,but this reaction was very capricious and frequently failed completely. The difficulty appears to lie in the formation of the Grignard reagent; 2-pentyltetrahydrofuran was isolated from the reaction mixtures in considerable amounts, formed presumably by intramolecular cyclisation of the alkoxide before formation of the Grignard reagent could take place.Attempts to overcome this difficulty by using tetrahydropyranyl or trimethylsilyl derivatives of the chlorononanol instead of the alcohol itself were frustrated by our inability to obtain a Grignard reagent from either derivative under a wide variety of conditions.6 The required alcohol (4) was eventually obtained from our previously prepared' alcohol (5; R = Bu) by Swern oxidation and reaction of the resulting aldehyde with tri-isopropoxy- (penty1)titanium.' Reaction took place selectively at the aldehyde group to give the desired alcohol (4) in 59 yield. An unexpected by-product of this reaction, when conducted at temperatures above ca. -78 OC, was the pinacol (6) formed possibly by the action of low-valent titanium species in the reaction mixture.8 Its structure is supported by its 'H and 13C n.m.r.and mass spectra and by cleavage with periodate to regenerate the keto aldehyde. Attempted Pdo-catalysed cyclisation of the amine (1; R = pentyl, R' = Bu) under conditions which were successful with the depentyl compound gave virtually no reaction. More forcing conditions (1 50 "C, methyl cyanide, sealed tube) led to a complex mixture of alkenic products from which no pure constituent could be isolated. No acetate-methyl or -carbony1 signals were present in the 'H or I3C n.m.r. spectra of the product, suggesting that the x-allylpalladium complex might have been formed to some extent; presumably subsequent attack by the amine leading to cyclisation was hindered by the steric effect of the butyl and pentyl substituents, allowing other faster reactions to intervene.It seems clear from this result that Pdo-catalysed cyclisation of 3-acetoxy-l-(4-aminoalkyl)cyclo-hexenes is not suitable for the preparation of disubstituted l-azaspiro5.5undecenes bearing alkyl substituents at C-2 and c-7. However, we have successfully used the reaction to prepare the monosubstituted spirocycle (7), which we envisaged might be a useful intermediate for the synthesis of the histrionicotoxin analogue (8) by way of the free alcohol (2; R = H, R' = CH'OH) or the derived aldehyde." The required 4-amino- alkylcyclohexenyl acetate (1; R = H, R' = CH,OCH,-OCH'Ph) was prepared from the cyclohexenone (lo), which was itself obtained from 2,6-dimethoxy- 1,4-dihydrobenzoic acid, prepared by Birch reduction of 2,6-dimethoxybenzoic acid by modification of the published procedure.' Reduction of the carboxy group with lithium aluminium hydride and alkylation of the primary alcohol with benzyloxymethyl chloride gave the ether (9; R = CH,OCH,OCH,Ph) which was converted into the enone (10) by treatment with toluene-p-sulphonic acid in ethanol.' The corresponding benzyl and dimethyl-t-butylsilyl 2256 J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. I 1988 stirred for 1 h more. The recovered product was purified by flash chromatography eluant: ethyl acetate-light petroleum (1 :3) and gave the aldehyde as a pale yellow oil (0.86 g, 83.5); 6,(250 MHz; CDCl,) 0.90 (3 H, t, J6.77 Hz, MeCH,), 1.26-1.31 (4 H, m, 2-CH,), 1.78-1.95 (4 H, m, 2-CH2), 2.23-2.40 (8 H, m, 4-CH,), 2.52 (2 H, dt, J,7.1 Jd 1.3 Hz, CH,CH,CHO), and 9.05 (1 H, t, J 1.3 Hz, CH,CHO); 6,(62.9 MHz; CDCl,), 13.97 (Me), 20.27, 22.59, 22.98, 24.97, 30.46, 31.99, 34.05, 38.13, 43.55 (9-CH,), 136.48, 156.88 (2-CH), 198.91 (C=O), and 201.33 (CHO); vmax.(film) 1719, 1658, and 1616 cm-' (Found: M+, MeO FHZOR OOMe Etooo222.1624.C,4H,,O2 requires M, 222.1618). 2-Butyl-3-(4-hydroxynonyl)cyclohex-2-enone(4).-A solution of pentylmagnesium bromide in tetrahydrofuran (0.811 moll-'; 25 ml, 20.3 mmol) was added to a stirred solution of chlorotri- ethers (9; R = CH,Ph and Bu'Me,Si) were both unsuitable; the benzyl ether gave an inseparable mixture on treatment with toluene-p-sulphonic acid in ethanol and the dimethyl-t-butylsilyl ether did not give the desired product.Reaction of the cyclohexenone (10) with the Grignard reagent prepared from l-chloro-4-(dimethyl-t-butylsilyloxy)butane afforded the dimethyl-t-butylsilyl ether of the alcohol (5; R = CH,OCH,OCH,Ph) in 44 yield. Reduction of the carbonyl group with sodium borohydride and cerium chloride: acetylation, cleavage of the silyl protecting group with tetrabutylammonium fluoride, and reaction of the derived toluene-p-sulphonate with benzylamine in the presence of sodium iodide led in good yield to the amine (1; R = H, R' = CH,0CH20CH2Ph). This compound cyclised smoothly when heated with tetrakis(tripheny1phosphine)palladium in aceto- nitrile to give the spirocycle (2; R = H, R' = CH,OCH,-OCH,Ph) in 46 yield.Its structure is fully supported by the 'H and 13C n.m.r. spectra and the high resolution mass spectrum. As in the 'H n.m.r. spectrum of (2; R = H, R' = Bu) the signals due to the N-benzylic methylene group appear as a well-resolved quartet. Preliminary attempts to hydroborate the spirocycle (2; R = H, R' = CH,OCH,OCH,Ph) with a view to preparing the alcohol (3; R = H, R' = CH,OCH,OCH,Ph) have been unsuccessful. No reaction occurred with borane in tetrahydro- furan at room temperature, and at the boiling point an intractable mixture of products was obtained. Experimental 'H N.m.r. spectra (100 MHz) were determined using a JEOL JNM-MH 100 CW instrument, and 250 MHz 'H and 62.9 MHz 13C n.m.r.spectra with a Bruker AM250 instrument. Short column chromatography ' and 'dry column flash' chromatography l4 used Merck Kieselgel 60H (Merck No. 7736) and flash chromatography '' used Camlab Kieselgel 60, 230-400 mesh. Unless otherwise stated high resolution accurate mass spectra were determined at the Physico-Chemical Measurements Unit, Harwell or the S.E.R.C. Mass Spectroscopy Centre, University College, Swansea. 2-ButyZ-3-(4-oxobutyl)cyclohex-2-enone.-Dimethyl sulph-oxide (392 p1, 5.57 mmol) was added to a stirred solution of oxalyl chloride (445 pl, 5.12 mmol) in tetrahydrofuran (13 ml) under nitrogen at -78 "C. The resulting solution was warmed to -50 "C for 30 min, cooled again to -78 "C, and a solution of 2-butyl-3-(4-hydroxybutyl)cyclohex-2-enone (1.04 g, 4.64 mmol) in tetrahydrofuran (6 ml) was added.After 2 h at -50 to 6OoC, triethylamine (3.22 ml, 23.2 mmol) was added and the reaction mixture allowed to rise to room temperature and isopropoxytitanium (4.85 ml, 20.3 mmol) in tetrahydrofuran,' (40 ml) at -30 "C under nitrogen. After 1 h at -10 "C the orange solution was cooled to -78 "C and a solution of the above aldehyde (3.76 g, 16.9 mmol) in tetrahydrofuran (10 ml), was added. The reaction mixture was maintained at -78 "C for 5 h and at room temperature for 13 h, poured into ice-cold saturated aqueous ammonium chloride (100 ml) and the product was recovered with ether.Purification by flash chromatography (eluant: chloroform) afforded the title compound as a pale yellow oil (2.92 g, 58.7) with spectroscopic properties in excellent agreement with those of material prepared in poorer yield by reaction of the Normant- Grignard reagent from 1-chlorononan-4-01 with 2-butyl-3-ethoxycyclohex-2-enone by Dr. V. C. M. Garvin in this Department and by another published route,I6 6,(250 MHz; CDCl,) 0.90 (6 H, 2 overlapping t, 2-MeCH2), 1.23-1.58 (17 H, m, 8-CH2 + OH), 1.88-1.96 (2 H, 2 overlapping t, CH,), 2.24-2.39 (8 H, m, 4-CH2), and 3.62 (1 H, br m, CHOH); vmax.(fi1m) 3 421, 1653, and 1617 cm-' (Found: M+, 294.8. C,,H,,O, requires M, 294.5). In some experiments carried out at -10 or -30 "C the pinacol (6) was isolated in variable amounts by further elution of the flash chromatography column with chloroform.It formed a glass Found: (Mf + l), 447.6. CZ8Hl6O4 requires M,446.71; vmax.(fi1m)3 412, 1 656, and 1 612 cm-'; 6,(250 MHz; CDCl,) 0.89 (6 H, t, J6.8 Hz, 2-MeCH2), 1.21-1.96(21 H, m, 10-CH, + OH), 2.22-2.39 (16 H, m, 8-CH2), 2.54 (1 H, br s, OH), 3.44 (1 H, br s, CHOH), and 3.63 (br s, 1 H, CHOH). Signals at 6 3.44 and 3.63 sharpened on addition of D20 and appear to be unresolved triplets; 6,(62.9 MHz; CDCl,), 14.02 (Me), 22.60, 22.97, 24.19, 24.58, 24.92, 30.58, 30.61, 31.65, 31.96, 33.84, 34.87,34.94,38.12 (13-CH,), 74.19,74.52 (2-CH), 135.92,135.94, 158.56, 158.61 (4 alkenic C), and 199.37 (C=O). 3-A cetoxy-2-butyl- 1 -(4-p-tolylsulphonyloxynonyl)cyclohex-1-ene.-Sodium borohydride (0.124 g, 3.26 mmol) was added in small portions to a stirred solution of the toluene-p-sulphonate of the above alcohol (1.01 g, 2.25 mmol) in methanol (6 ml) containing cerium(1rr) chloride (0.4 mol 1-') so that the temperature of the solution was maintained below 35 "C.After the addition was complete, the reaction mixture was kept at room temperature for 0.5 h and was then diluted with ether (50 ml) and filtered. The cyclohexenol was recovered as an oil (0.98 g, 97). This unstable alcohol (2.57 g, 5.7 mmol) was converted directly into the acetate with acetic anhydride (1.74 g, 17.1 mmol) and 4-dimethylaminopyridine (0.26 g, 2.11 mmol) at room temperature during 18 h. The recovered acetate was purified by flash chromatography eluant: ethyl acetate-light petroleum (1:9) and was obtained as an oil (2.16 g, 76.9); vmax.(fiIm) 1736 and 1652 cm-'; 6,(250 MHz; CDCI,) 0.86 (6 H, 2 overlapping t, 2-MeCH2), 1.17-2.05 (29 H, m, with s at 6 2.05, 13-CH, + MeCO,), 2.44 (3 H, s, ArMe), 4.57 l H, m, J.CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. I 1988 CH,CH(OTs)CH,, 5.26 (1 H, br s, CHOCOMe), 7.30-7.81 (4 H, q, ArH); 6,(62.9 MHz; CDCl,) 13.89, 14.01 (2-Me), 18.5 (CH,), 21.47, 21.61 (2-Me), 22.44, 23.00, 23.41, 23.44, 24.44, 29.22, 29.32, 29.67, 31.32, 31.34, 31.50, 32.99 (2 signals), 34.17, 34.22, 34.35 (16-CH2), 70.23 (MeCO,CH), 84.32,84.37 (2-CH), 127.84 (CH), 129.56 (C, C=C), 129.75 (CH), 135.10, 137.50, 144.44 (3-C), and 171.15 (C=O) Found: (M+ -MeCO,H), 432.71.C,,H4,05S requires M, 492.71; C26H4003S requires M, 432.661. (We thank Dr. R. A. W. Johnstone, University of Liverpool, for this and the following determination). 3-Acetoxy- 1 -(4-benzylaminononyl)-2-butylcyclohexene (1; R = pentyl, R = Bu).-To a stirred solution of the above toluene-p-sulphonate (0.48 g, 0.97 mmol) in dimethyl sulphoxide (6 ml) under nitrogen, was added benzylamine (0.52 g, 4.72 mmol). and sodium iodide (0.24 g, 1.60 mmol). The mixture was stored in the dark for 7 days, then diluted with ether, and washed with brine. The recovered product was purified by flash chromatography (eluant: chloroform) to give the required amine as a pale yellow oil (0.27 g, 65); 6,(250 MHz; CDC1,) 0.89 (6 H, 2 overlapping t, 2-MeCH2), 1.28-2.09 (30 H, m, 13-CH2,NH, and MeC0, at 2.05), 2.58 (1 H, m), 3.78 (2 H, s, NCH,Ph), 5.30 (1 H, br s, CHOAc), and 7.24-7.34 (5 H, m); 6,(62.9 MHz; CDCl,), 14.01, 14.05 (2-Me), 18.53 (CH,), 21.47 (MeCO,), 22.68, 23.01, 24.29, 24.34, 25.34, 25.38, 29.25, 29.51, 29.70,31.35,32.15,33.57,33.78 (2 signals), 33.87 (14-CH2), 51.07 (NCH,Ph), 56.76 CH,CH(NCH,Ph)CH, 70.30 (CHOAc), 127.02, 128.33, 128.44 (3-CH), 129.08, 138.10 (2-C, alkene), and 171.07 (C=O) Found: (M+ + l), 428.27 (f.a.b.).C,,H,,NO, requires M, 427.34; C,,H,,NO, requires M, 428.351. 1,4-Dihydro-2,6-dimethoxybenzoicAcid.-Small freshly cut pieces of sodium were added to a stirred solution of 2,6- dimethoxybenzoic acid (1 g, 5.48 mmol) in methanol (10 ml) and liquid ammonia (30 ml) at -78 "C until the solid dissolved and the blue colour of the solution persisted for 10 min between additions.Solid ammonium chloride (2.9 g) was then added at 78 "C with vigorous stirring. After the ammonia had evaporated the residue was dissolved in water (5 ml), and the cooled (0 "C) solution was acidified to pH 3, the temperature being kept below 5 "C. The suspension was extracted into dichloromethane and the recovered product was crystallised from ethanol-light petroleum (b.p. 40-60 "C), to give the acid as colourless crystals (0.41 g, 41), m.p. 126-128 "C (1it.,I7 m.p. 129.5 "C); v,,,,(Nujol) 3 6-2 200, 1 704, 1 689, and 1 661 cm-'; 6,(60 MHz; CDCI,) 2.95 (2 H, m), 3.60 (6 H, s), 3.90 (1 H, t, J 3.3 Hz), 4.90 (2 H, t, J 3.5 Hz), and 8.65 (1 H, br s, exchangeable with D,O) (Found: M+, 184.C9H1204 requires M, 184). 1-Benzyfo.wmetho.~.vmeth?~l-1,4-dihydr0-2,6-dimethoxy-benzene (9; R = CH,OCH,Ph).-A solution of the above 1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethoxybenzoicacid (86.3 mg, 0.47 mmol) in tetrahydrofuran (5 ml) was added dropwise to a slurry of lithium aluminium hydride (60.5 mg, 1.59 mmol) in tetra-hydrofuran (7 ml) at room temperature under nitrogen. After 30 min the reaction was quenched with ethyl acetate (10 ml) and water (2 ml) and the product was recovered as an oil (71.5 mg, 89); v,,,.(film) 3 691, 3 438, 1 686, and 1 657 cm-'; 6,(250 MHz; CDCI,) 2.03 (1 H, br s, OH), 2.80-2.88 (2 H, m), 3.58 (6 H, s), 3.55-3.62 (1 H, t), 3.83 (2 H, d, J3.9 Hz), and 4.82 (2 H, t, J 3.6 Hz) (Found: M+, 170.2.C9H1403 requires M, 170.2). This alcohol was converted directly into the benzyloxymethyl derivative by addition of ethyl(di-isopropy1)amine (7.61 g, 58.90 mmol) and benzyloxymethyl chloride (7.38 g, 47.12 mmol) to a solution of the alcohol (4.01 g, 23.56 mmol) in dichloromethane (50 ml) at room temperature under nitrogen. After 4 h the title compound was obtained as an oil (6.24 g, 91) after flash chromatography eluant: light petroleum-ethyl acetate (9 :l); 2257 6,(250 MHz; CDCl,) 2.80-2.99 (3 H, m, 4-H, and 1-H), 3.56 (6 H, s, 2-Me0), 3.94 (2 H, d, J 2.6 Hz, OCH,CH), 4.53 (2 H, s, PhCH,O), 4.71 (2 H, s, OCH,O), 4.754.88 (2 H, m, 3- and 5-H), and 7.25-7.39 (5 H, m) Found: (M+ -PhCH,OH) 182.C17H2204 (M -C7H8) requires 182). The compound decomposed rapidly at room temperature and a satisfactory elemental analysis could not be obtained. The corresponding diphenyl-t-butylsilyl ether was obtained from the alcohol (2.0 g, 11.75 mmol), diphenyl-t-butylsilyl chloride (3.37 ml, 12.92 mmol) and imidazole (1.75 g, 25.8 mmol) in dichloromethane (30 ml) at reflux under nitrogen. It formed colourless platelets from aqueous ethanol, m.p. 83- 84 "C (Found: C, 73.55; H, 7.9. C,,H,,O,Si requires C, 73.49; H, 7.89). 2-Benzyloxymethoxymethyl-3-ethoxycyclohex-2-enone (lo).-To a stirred solution of the above benzyloxymethyl ether (0.31 g, 1.06 mmol) in ethanol at room temperature (3 ml) was added toluene-p-sulphonic acid (2 mg).After 1 h the reaction mixture was diluted with ether and washed with saturated aqueous sodium hydrogen carbonate. Dry column flash chromatography of the recovered product eluant: chloroform- methanol (9:1) gave the cyclohexenone as a pale yellow oil (0.28 g, 91); vmax.(film) 1640 and 1601 cm-'; 6,(250 MHz; CDC1,) 1.34 (3 H, t, J 7.0 Hz, MeCH,O), 2.01 (2 H, m, 5-H,), 2.37(2H,unresolvedt),2.60(2H,t,J6.2Hz),4.11(2H,q,J7.0 Hz,OCH,Me),4.42 (2 H,s, PhCH,OCH,OCH,),4.65 (2 H,s, PhCH,O), 4.81 (2 H, s, OCH,O), and 7.26-7.42 (5 H m); 6,(62.9 MHz; CDCl,) 15.20 (Me), 20.68, 25.92, 36.25 (3-CH2), 57.78 (CH,OCH,OCH,Ph), 64.15 (OCH,Me), 68.90 (PhCH,O), 94.62 (OCH,O), 116.20 (C), 127.5, 127.99, 128.33 (3 phenyl, CH), 138.33 (phenyl C), 175.33 (C-3), and 197.38 (GO) (Found: M', 290.1527.C17H2204 requires M, 290.1516). 2-Benzyloxymethoxymethyl-3-(4-dimethyl-t-butylsilyloxy-butyl)cyclohex-2-enone.-A solution of the preceding cyclo- hexenone (1.69 g, 5.81 mmol) in tetrahydrofuran (5 ml) was added dropwise to a solution of the Grignard reagent at -78 "C, prepared from magnesium powder (0.19 g, 7.75 mmol) and 1-chloro-4-dimethyl-t-butylsilyloxybutane(1.44 g, 6.46 mmol) in tetrahydrofuran (16 ml) at reflux for 15h. The solution was kept at -78 "C for 3 h and at room temperature overnight. Saturated aqueous ammonium chloride was added and the recovered product purified by short column chromatography eluant: light petroleum-ethyl acetate (17 :3) furnished the title compound as an oil (1.14 g, 45); vmax.(fi1m) 3 090,2 860, 1 673, and 1 640 cm-'; 6,(250 MHz; CDC1,) 0.04 (6 H, s, 2-SiMe), 0.89 (s, 3-Me, Bu'), 1.55-1.65 (4 H, m, 2-CH2), 1.91-2.02 (2 H, 2 overlapping t,), 2.37-2.46 (6 H, m, 3-CH2), 3.61 (2 H, t, J 5.7 Hz, SiOCH,CH,), 4.37 (2 H, s, PhCH,OCH,OCH,), 4.64 (2 H, s,PhCH,O),4.79(2H,s,PhCH,0CH2O),and7.26-7.42(5 H, m); 6,(62.9 MHz; CDCl,) 5.28 (Me), 18.32 (Bu'), 22.27, 24.60 (2-CH,), 25.97 (Me), 30.73, 32.87, 34.76, 37.72 (4-CH2), 59.72 (PhCH,OCH,OCH,), 62.63 (SiOCH,), 69.39 (PhCH,O), 94.66 (PhCH,OCH,O), 127.60, 127.93, 128.38 (phenyl 3-CH), 131.95 (C-2), 138.12 (phenyl C), 164.99 (C-3), and 198.01 (C=O) Found: (M+ + l), 433.2779.C2,H4,04Si requires M, 432.26961. 3- Acetoxy- 1 -(4-dimethyl-t-butylsilyloxybutyl)-2-(benzyloxy-methoxyrnethy1)cyclohex-1-ene.-The foregoing cyclo-hexenone (1.92 g) was reduced to the cyclohexenol with sodium borohydride and cerium(m) chloride as described above for another case, and was obtained as an oil (1.87 g, 97).It was converted directly into the title compound by reaction with acetic anhydride and pyridine in the presence of 4-dimethyl-aminopyridine as in the experiment described previously. The acetate was obtained as an oil (1.58 g, 74 for the two steps); 2258 vmax.(film) 2 930, 2 854, and 1 729 cm-'; 6,(250 MHz; CDCl,) 0.04 (6 H, s, 2-MeSi), 0.89 (9 H, s, 3-Me), 1.43-1.86 (8 H, m, 4-CH2), 2.02 (3 H, s, MeCO,), 2.04-2.19 (4 H, m, 2-CH2), 3.60 (2 H, t, J6.0 Hz, SiOCH,), 3.93,3.97,4.21,4.26 (2 H, AB system, J 11.0 Hz, PhCH,OCH,OCH,), 4.55,4.60,4.61, and 4.66 (2 H, AB system, J 1 1.8 Hz, PhCH,O) ".7 1,4.73,4.74, and 4.77 (2 H, AB system, J 6.8 Hz, PhCH,OCH,O), 5.50 (1 H, br s), and 7.26-7.36 (5 H, m); 6,(62.9 MHz; CDCl,) -5.25 (MeSi), 18.13 (CH,), 18.35 (CMe,), 21.40 (MeCO,), 24.94 (CH,), 26.01 (3-CMe3), 28.82, 29.90, 32.93, and 33.25 (4-CH,), 62.98 (SiOCH,), 64.48 (CH,), 68.74 (CH), 69.37 (PhCH,O), 94.20 (CH,), 125.89 (C), 127.71,127.91, and 128.49 (3-CH), 138.15 (C), 144.71 (C), and 170.92 (MeCO,) Found: (M+ + NH,), 494.3306.C2,H,,05Si requires M, 476.2958; C,,H,,O,NSi (M+ + NH,) requires M, 494.33021. 3-A cetoxy-1-(benzy loxyme thoxyme thyl)-2-(4-hydroxy- butyl)cycZohex- 1 -ene.-The above dimethyl-t-butylsilyl ether (1.55 g, 3.26 mmol) in THF (10 ml) was converted into the free alcohol with tetrabutylammonium fluoride in THF (1.0 mol I-'; 9.77 ml) at room temperature for 30 min.After having been purified by short column chromatography eluant: light petroleum-thy1 acetate (3;2) it was obtained as an oil (1.05 g, 89); vmax.(fiIm) 3 439, 2 935, 2 867, and 1733 cm-'; 6,(250 MHz; CDCl,) 1.43-1.87 (9 H, m, 4-CH2 + OH), 2.02 (3 H, s, MeCO,), 2.04-2.18 (4 H, m, 2-CH2), 3.59 (2 H, t, J 6.1 Hz, CH,CH,OH), 3.93, 3.98,4.22, and 4.26 (2 H, AB system, J 11.1 Hz, PhCH20CH,0CH,), 4.55, 4.60, 4.61, and 4.66 (2 H, AB system, J 11.8 Hz, PhCH,O), 4.70, 4.73, 4.73, 4.76 (2 H, AB system, J 6.8 Hz, PhCH,OCH,O), 5.49 (1 H, br s, CH at C-3), and 7.27-7.35 (5 H, m) Found: M', 362.2337 (M' + NH, -H,O) requires 362.23311.The corresponding toluene-p-sulphonate was prepared from the alcohol (1 .O g, 2.75 mmol) and toluene-p-sulphonyl chloride (0.79 g, 5.5 mmol) and pyridine (445 pl, 5.5 mmol) in chloroform (2.7 ml) at 0°C for 3 h. It was purified by short column chromatography eluant: light petroleum-thy1 acetate (3 :l) and was obtained as an oil (1.23 g, 87); 6,(250 MHz; CDC1,) 1.43-2.00 (8 H, m, 4-CH2), 2.02 (3 H, s, MeCO,), 2.04-2.12 (4 H, m, 2-CH2), 2.43 (3 H, s), 3.89, 3.93, 4.14, and 4.19 (2 H, AB system, J 11.1 Hz, PhCH,0CH20CH,), 4.01 (2 H, t, J 6.2 Hz, CH,CH,OTs), 4.53,4.57,4.59, and 4.64 (2 H, AB system, J 11.9 Hz, PhCH,O), 4.68, 4.70,4.71, and 4.74 (2 H, AB system, J 6.8 Hz, PhCH,OCH,O), 5.47 (1 H, br s, 3-H), and 7.26-7.79 (9 H, m, ArH); 6,(62.9 MHz; CDCl,), 18.05 (CH,), 21.39 (MeCO,), 21.62 (ArMe), 24.44, 28.74, 28.89, 29.70, and 32.74 (5-CH2), 64.32 (PhCH,OCH,OCH,), 68.58 (C-3), 69.39 (PhCH,O), 70.31 (CH,OTs), 94.15 (PhCH,OCH,O), 126.45 (C), 127.74, 127.86, 127.98, 128.51, and 129.93 (5-CH), 133.51, 138.11, 143.82, and 144.79 (4-C), and 170.90 (MeCO,) Found: Mf, 534.2528.C28H,,NO7S requires (M+ + NH,) 534.25253. 3-Acetoxy- 1 -(4-benzylaminobutyl)-2-(benzylaxymethox-methyl)cyclohex-1-ene (1; R = H, R' = CH,OCH,OCH,-Ph).-Benzylamine (0.61 g, 5.71 mmol),and sodium iodide (10 mg) were added to a solution of the above toluene-p-sulphonate (1.18 g, 2.28 mmol) in dimethyl sulphoxide (7 ml) under nitrogen.After 14 h the mixture was diluted with ether and the recovered product purified by flash chromatography eluant: chloroform-methanol (19:1), to give the amine as a pale yellow oil (0.83 g, 81); 6,(250 MHz; CDCl,) 1.42-1.86 (8 H, m, 4-CH2), 2.01 (3 H, s, MeCO,), 2.03-2.17 (4 H, m, 2-CH2), 2.61 (2 H, t, J6.7 Hz, CH,CH,N), 3.76 (2 H, s, PhCH,N), 3.92, 3.96, 4.20, and 4.24 (2 H, AB system, J 11.1 Hz, PhCH,OCH,OCH,), 4.54, 4.59, 4.60, 4.64 (2 H, AB system, J 11.9 Hz, PhCH,O), 4.69,4.72,4.73, and 4.75 (2 H, AB system, J 6.8 Hz, PhCH,OCH,O), 5.49 (1 H, br s, 3-H), and 7.21-7.34 J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. I 1988 (10 H, m); 6,(62.9 MHz; CDCl,), 18.09 (CH,), 21.40 (MeCOJ, 26.48, 28.76, 29.84, 30.07, and 33.40 (SCH,), 49.26 (CHZNHCHzPh), 54.06 (PhCHZN), 64.39, PhCH2OCH2-OCH,), 68.64 (CH, C-3), 69.30 (PhCHZO), 94.09 (PhCH2O- CH,O), 125.79 (C), 126.93, 127.63, 127.80, 128.12, and 128.40 (6-CH), 138.03, 140.44, and 144.55 (3-C), and 170.82 (MeCO,) Found: (M+ + I), 452.2804.C28H3,NO4 requires My 451.28001. 1-Benzyl-7-(benzyloxymethoxymethyl)-1-azaspiro 5.51- undec-7-ene (2; R = H, R' = CH,OCH,OCH,Ph).-A stirred solution of the foregoing benzylamine (0.25 g, 0.55 mmol), triethylamine (153 p1, 1.10 mmol) and tetrakis(tripheny1-phosphine)palladium(O) (74 mg) in acetonitrile (10 ml) was refluxed under argon for 48 h. The cherry red solution was evaporated under reduced pressure, and the residue was dissolved in chloroform (50 ml) and filtered through silica gel 60H to remove salts.Short-column chromatography of the concentrated filtrate eluant: light petroleum-chloroform (1 :l) afforded the spiro compound as a pale yellow oil (99 mg, 46); 6,(250 MHz; CDCl,) 1.51-1.76 (9 H, m, 4-CH2 and 1 H of CH,), 2.02-2.06 (3 H, m, CH, and 1 H of CH,), 2.27 2.29 (m, 1 H of CH,), 2.52-2.57 (1 H, of CH,), 3.14, 3.19, 3.79, and 3.85 (2 H, AB system, J 14.8 Hz, PhCH,N), 4.074.13 and 4.46-4.51 (2 H, AB system, OCH,C=), 4.51,4.56,4.58, and 4.63 (2 H, AB system, J 11.8 Hz, PhCH,O), 4.73,4.75,4.76, and 4.78 (2 H, AB system, J 6.7 Hz, PhCH,OCH,O), 5.99 (1 H, unresolved t, 8-H), and 7.15-7.32 (10 H, m); 6,(62.9 MHz; CDCl,) 20.04, 20.33, 21.57, 25.37, and 26.23 (5-CH2), 33.56 (C-9), 45.67 (C-2), 55.02 (PhCHZN), 59.12 (C-6), 66.51 (PhCH,OCH,OCH,), 69.39 (PhCH,O), 94.34 (PhCH2-OCH,O), 126.25, 127.51, 127.68, 127.82, 128.16, 128.21, 128.34 (7-CH), and 138.22, 140.31, and 140.66 (3-C) (Found: M+, 391.2519.C,,H,,NO requires M, 391.251 1). References 1 W. Carruthers and S. A. Cumming, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1983, 360. 2 W. Carruthers and S. A. Cumming, J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans, 1, 1983, 2383. 3 cfi Y. Inubushi and T. Ibuka, Heterocycles, 1982, 17, 507; J. W. Daly in 'Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products,' eds. W. Herz, H. Grisebach, and G. W. Kirby, Springer, Vienna, 1982, p. 205. 4 J-L. Luche, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,1978, 100, 2226. 5 cf: G. Cahiez, A. Alexakis, and J. F. Normant, Tetrahedron Lett., 1978, 19, 3013. 6 We are greatly indebted to Dr. V. C. M. Garvin for much exploratory work in this area. 7 M. T. Reetz, J. Westermann, R. Steinbach, B. Wenderoth, R. Peter, R. Ostarek, and S. Maus, Chem. Ber., 1985, 118, 1421; M. T. Reetz, R. Steinbach, J. Westermann, R. Peters, and B. Wenderoth, ibid., 1441. 8 cf J. E. McMurry, Acc. Chem. Res., 1983, 16, 405. 9 S. C. Carey, M. Aratani, and Y. Kishi, Tetrahedron Lett., 1985, 26, 5887. 10 E. J. Corey and R. Riicker, Tetrahedron Lett., 1982, 23, 719; K. Furuta, M. Ishiguro, R. Haruta, N. Ikeda, and H. Yamamoto, Bull. Chem. SOC.Jpn., 1984, 57, 2768. 11 Y. Tamai, Y. Mizutani, H. Hagiwara, H. Uda, and N. Harada, J. Chem. Res., 1985 (S), 148; (M), 1746. 12 I$ R. Baker, C. L. Gibson, C. J. Swain, and D. J. Tapolczay, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. I, 1985, 1509. 13 B. J. Hunt and W. Rigby, Chem. Znd. (London), 1967, 1869. 14 Dr. L. M. Harwood, University of Oxford, personal communication. 15 W. C. Still, M. Kahn, and A. Mitra, J. Org. Chem., 1978, 43, 2923. 16 T. Fukuyarna, L. V. Dunkerton, M. Aratani, and Y. Kishi, J. Org. Chem., 1975, 40, 2001. 17 M. C. Grossel and M. J. Perkins,J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2,1975, 1544. Received 27th November 1987; Paper 7/2099
机译:J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN 译.I 1988 PaIladi um-cataIysed Spirocyclisation of 3-Acetoxy -l -(4-aminoaIkyl)-cyclohexenes William Carruthers and Roger C. Moses Chemistry Department, The University, Stocker Road, Exeter EX4 4QD 2,7-di取代ed 1-azaspiro[5.5]undecene (2;R=戊基,R'=Bu)不能通过PdO-催化的环己烯乙酸酯环化反应获得(1;R=戊基,R1=Bu),但单取代衍生物(2;R = H, R1 = CH,OCH,OCH,Ph)很容易从(1;R = H, R' = CH,OCH,-OCH,Ph)。在早期的工作中,Pdo催化的3-乙酰氧基-l-(4-氨基烷基1)环己烯的环化反应[例如(1;R = H, R' = Bu)]被证明提供了一条方便的途径,使1-氮杂螺酮C5.5)-十一烯[例如(2;R = H, R' = Bu)],该反应构成了合成脱戊基全氢组烟毒素(3;R = H, R' = Bu).~确定相同的序列是否可用于制备全氢组烟毒素本身似乎很有意义 (3;R = 戊基,R' = Bu) 来自适当的前体 (1;R = 戊基,R' = Bu),从而避免了在碱~id.~id.~如果我们无法实现(1;R = 戊基,R' = Bu)。WCH, Ph R%iH RH C5H11@r (3) (4) (5) (6) 胺 (1;R=戊基,R'=Bu)由醇(4)通过合成脱戊基过氢组烟毒素的一系列反应得到,即转化成甲苯对磺酸盐,用硼氢化钠和铈~氯化物还原羰基,~乙酰化所得醇,最终在碘化钠存在下与苄胺反应置换磺氧基。酒精(4)的制备引起了一些问题。最初尝试将1-氯壬烷-4-01中的Normant-Grignard试剂与2-丁基-3-乙氧基环己-2-烯酮反应,但该反应非常反复无常,经常完全失败。困难似乎在于格氏试剂的形成;从反应混合物中分离出大量2-戊基四氢呋喃,据推测,在形成格氏试剂之前,醇盐的分子内环化形成。通过使用氯壬醇的四氢吡喃或三甲基硅烷基衍生物而不是醇本身来克服这一困难的尝试因我们无法在各种条件下从任何一种衍生物中获得格氏试剂而受挫.6 所需的酒精 (4) 最终从我们先前制备的酒精中获得 (5;R=Bu)通过Swern氧化和反应得到的醛与三异丙氧基-(戊1)钛反应。' 在醛基上选择性地进行反应,得到所需的醇 (4),收率为 59%。当在高于-78 OC的温度下进行时,该反应的一个意想不到的副产物是频哪醇(6),可能是由反应混合物中低价钛物种的作用形成的.8其结构由其'H和13C n.m.r.和质谱以及与高碘酸盐裂解以再生酮醛。尝试 Pdo 催化的胺环化 (1;R=戊基,R'=Bu)在成功使用脱戊基化合物的条件下几乎没有反应。更多的强迫条件(1 50“C,甲基氰化物,密封管)导致了烯酸产物的复杂混合物,无法从中分离出纯成分。产物的'H或I3C n.m.r.谱图中未出现乙酸甲酯或-羰基钯1信号,表明可能在一定程度上形成了x-烯丙基钯络合物;据推测,随后导致环化的胺攻击受到丁基和戊基取代基的空间效应的阻碍,从而允许其他更快的反应进行干预。从这一结果中可以清楚地看出,Pdo催化的3-乙酰氧基-l-(4-氨基烷基)环己烯的环化反应不适用于制备在C-2和c-7位点带有烷基取代基的二取代l-氮杂螺[5.5]十一烯。然而,我们已经成功地利用该反应制备了单取代的螺环 (7),我们设想它可能是通过游离醇 (2;R = H, R' = CH'OH)或衍生的醛。所需的4-氨基烷基环己烯乙酸酯(1;R = H, R' = CH,OCH,-OCH'Ph)由环己烯酮(LO)制备而成,环己烯酮本身由2,6-二甲氧基-1,4-二氢苯甲酸制得,通过修改已发表的方法对2,6-二甲氧基苯甲酸进行Birch还原制备。用氢化铝锂还原羧基,用苄氧基氯甲烷烷基化伯醇,得到醚(9;R = CH,OCH,OCH,Ph),通过甲苯-对磺酸乙醇处理转化为烯酮 (10)。相应的苄基和二甲基叔丁基硅烷基 2256 J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS.我 1988 再搅拌 1 小时。回收产物经快速色谱[洗脱液:乙酸乙酯-轻质石油(1:3)]纯化,醛为淡黄色油状(0.86g,83.5%);6,(250兆赫;CDCl,) 0.90 (3 H, t, J6.77 Hz, MeCH,), 1.26-1.31 (4 H, m, 2-CH,), 1.78-1.95 (4 H, m, 2-CH2), 2.23-2.40 (8 H, m, 4-CH,), 2.52 (2 H, dt, J,7.1 Jd 1.3 Hz, CH,CH,CH, CHO) 和 9.05 (1 H, t, J 1.3 Hz, CH,CHO);6,(62.9兆赫;CDCl,)、13.97 (Me)、20.27、22.59、22.98、24.97、30.46、31.99、34.05、38.13、43.55 (9-CH、)、136.48、156.88 (2-CH)、198.91 (C=O) 和 201.33 (CHO);vmax。(胶片)1719、1658 和 1616 cm-'(发现:M+,MeO FHZOR OOMe Etooo222.1624.C,4H,,O2 需要 M,222.1618)。将2-丁基-3-(4-羟基壬基)环己-2-烯酮(4).-四氢呋喃(0.811 mol-';25 ml,20.3 mmol)中的戊基溴化镁溶液加入到氯三醚(9;R = CH,Ph 和 Bu'Me,Si)均不合适;苄基醚在乙醇中用甲苯-对磺酸处理后得到不可分割的混合物,而二甲基-叔丁基硅烷基醚没有得到所需的产物。环己烯酮 (10) 与由 l-氯-4-(二甲基-叔丁基硅氧基)丁烷制备的格氏试剂反应得到醇的二甲基-叔丁基硅烷基醚 (5;R = CH,OCH,OCH,Ph),收率为44%。硼氢化钠和氯化铈还原羰基:乙酰化,甲硅烷基保护基团与四丁基氟化铵裂解,以及衍生的甲苯对磺酸酯与苄胺在碘化钠存在下的反应导致胺的收率良好(1;R = H, R' = CH,0CH20CH2Ph)。当用四(三苯基1膦)钯在乙酰腈中加热时,该化合物顺利环化,得到螺环(2;R = H, R' = CH,OCH,-OCH,Ph),收率为46%。其结构完全得到'H和13C n.m.r.光谱以及高分辨率质谱的支持。如 'H n.m.r. 谱 (2;R = H, R' = Bu),N-苄基亚甲基产生的信号表现为分辨良好的四重奏。对螺旋循环进行水硼化(2;R = H, R' = CH,OCH,OCH,Ph),以制备酒精 (3;R = H, R' = CH,OCH,OCH,Ph)不成功。在室温下与四氢呋喃中的硼烷没有发生反应,在沸点下得到难处理的产物混合物。使用 JEOL JNM-MH 100 CW 仪器测定实验 'H N.m.r. 光谱 (100 MHz),使用 Bruker AM250 仪器测定 250 MHz 'H 和 62.9 MHz 13C nm.r.r. 光谱。短柱色谱法和“干柱快速色谱法”l4采用默克硅溶胶60H(默克7736号),“快速色谱”采用Camlab Kieselgel 60,230-400目。除非另有说明,否则高分辨率准确的质谱是在哈威尔的物理化学测量部门或斯旺西大学学院的 S.E.R.C. 质谱中心测定的。将2-丁基Z-3-(4-氧代丁基)环己-2-烯酮-二甲基硫氧化物(392 p1,5.57 mmol)加入到草酰氯(445 pl,5.12 mmol)的四氢呋喃(13 ml)中,在-78“C的氮气下搅拌溶液中。将所得溶液升温至-50“C保温30分钟,再次冷却至-78”C,并加入2-丁基-3-(4-羟基丁基)环己-2-烯酮(1.04g,4.64mmol)在四氢呋喃(6ml)中的溶液。在-50至6OoC下2小时后,加入三乙胺(3.22ml,23.2mmol),使反应混合物升至室温和异丙氧基钛(4.85ml,20.3 mmol)在四氢呋喃中,'(40 ml)在-30“C下氮气下。在-10“C下1小时后,将橙色溶液冷却至-78”C,并加入上述醛(3.76g,16.9mmol)在四氢呋喃(10ml)中的溶液。将反应混合物在-78“C下保持5 h,在室温下保持13 h,倒入冰冷的饱和氯化铵水溶液(100 ml)中,用乙醚回收产物。通过快速色谱法(洗脱液:氯仿)纯化得到标题化合物为淡黄色油(2.92 g,58.7%),其光谱性质与由V. C. M. Garvin博士在该部门通过1-氯壬烷-4-01与2-丁基-3-乙氧基环己-2-烯酮反应制备的收率较差的材料的光谱性质非常吻合,I6 6,(250 MHz;CDCl,) 0.90 (6 H, 2 重叠 t, 2-MeCH2), 1.23-1.58 (17 H, m, 8-CH2 + OH), 1.88-1.96 (2 H, 2 重叠 t, CH,), 2.24-2.39 (8 H, m, 4-CH2) 和 3.62 (1 H, br m, CHOH);vmax。(fi1m) 3 421, 1653, and 1617 cm-' (发现: M+, 294.8.C,,H,,O,需要 M,294.5)。在-10或-30“C下进行的一些实验中,通过用氯仿进一步洗脱快速色谱柱,分离出不同量的频哪醇(6)。它形成了一个玻璃[发现:(Mf + l),447.6。CZ8Hl6O4 需要 M,446.71;vmax。(fi1m)3 412, 1 656, 和 1 612 cm-';6,(250兆赫;CDCl,) 0.89 (6 H, t, J6.8 Hz, 2-MeCH2), 1.21-1.96(21 H, m, 10-CH, + OH), 2.22-2.39 (16 H, m, 8-CH2), 2.54 (1 H, br s, OH)、3.44 (1 H, br s, CHOH) 和 3.63 (br s, 1 H, CHOH)。6、3.44 和 3.63 处的信号在添加 D20 后变得尖锐,似乎是未解析的三元组;6,(62.9兆赫;CDCl,)、14.02 (Me)、22.60、22.97、24.19、24.58、24.92、30.58、30.61、31.65、31.96、33.84、34.87、34.94、38.12 (13-CH、)、74.19、74.52 (2-CH)、135.92、135.94、158.56、158.61 (4 alkenic C) 和 199.37 (C=O)。将3-A鲸氧基-2-丁基-1-(4-对甲苯磺酰氧基壬基)环己-1-烯-硼氢化钠(0.124g,3.26mmol)少量加入到上述醇(1.01g,2.25mmol)的甲苯对磺酸盐在含有氯化铈(1rr)(0.4mol 1-')的甲醇(6ml)的搅拌溶液中,使溶液的温度保持在35“C以下。 将反应混合物在室温下保持0.5小时,然后用乙醚(50ml)稀释并过滤。将环己烯醇回收为油(0.98g,97%)。在室温下,在室温下将这种不稳定的醇(2.57g,5.7mmol)与乙酸酐(1.74g,17.1mmol)和4-二甲氨基吡啶(0.26g,2.11mmol)直接转化为乙酸盐18小时。回收的乙酸盐经快速色谱[洗脱液:乙酸乙酯-轻质石油(1:9)]纯化,得油状(2.16g,76.9%);vmax。(fiIm) 1736 和 1652 cm-';6,(250兆赫;CDCI,) 0.86 (6 H, 2 重叠 t, 2-MeCH2), 1.17-2.05 (29 H, m, with s at 6 2.05, 13-CH, + MeCO,), 2.44 (3 H, s, ArMe), 4.57 [l H, m, J.CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS.I 1988 CH,CH(OTs)CH,], 5.26 (1 H, br s, CHOCOMe), 7.30-7.81 (4 H, q, ArH);6,(62.9兆赫;CDCl,) 13.89, 14.01 (2-ME)、18.5 (CH、)、21.47、21.61 (2-ME)、22.44、23.00、23.41、23.44、24.44、29.22、29.32、29.67、31.32、31.34、31.50、32.99 (2 个信号)、34.17、34.22、34.35 (16-CH2)、70.23 (MeCO、CH)、84.32、84.37 (2-CH)、127.84 (CH)、129.56 (C, C=C)、129.75 (CH)、135.10、137.50、144.44 (3-C) 和 171.15 (C=O) [发现:(M+ -MeCO,H),432.71.C,,H4,05S需要M,492.71;C26H4003S需要 M, 432.661。(我们感谢利物浦大学的 R. A. W. Johnstone 博士做出的这一决定)。3-乙酰氧基-1-(4-苄基氨基壬基)-2-丁基环己烯(1;R=戊基,R=Bu).-向上述甲苯对磺酸酯(0.48g,0.97mmol)在二甲基亚砜(6ml)氮气下的搅拌溶液中,加入苄胺(0.52g,4.72mmol)。和碘化钠(0.24g,1.60mmol)。将混合物在黑暗中储存 7 天,然后用乙醚稀释,并用盐水洗涤。回收产物经快速色谱(洗脱液:氯仿)纯化,得到所需胺,呈淡黄色油状(0.27g,65%);6,(250兆赫;CDC1,) 0.89 (6 H, 2 重叠 t, 2-MeCH2), 1.28-2.09 (30 H, m, 13-CH2,NH, 和 MeC0, at 2.05), 2.58 (1 H, m), 3.78 (2 H, s, NCH,Ph), 5.30 (1 H, br s, CHOAc) 和 7.24-7.34 (5 H, m);6,(62.9兆赫;CDCl,)、14.01、14.05(2-Me)、18.53(CH)、21.47(MeCO)、22.68、23.01、24.29、24.34、25.34、25.38、29.25、29.51、29.70、31.35、32.15、33.57、33.78(2个信号)、33.87(14-CH2)、51。07 (NCH,Ph), 56.76 [CH,CH(NCH,Ph)CH,] 70.30 (CHOAc), 127.02, 128.33, 128.44 (3-CH), 129.08, 138.10 (2-C, 烯烃), and 171.07 (C=O) [发现: (M+ + l), 428.27 (f.a.b.).C,,H,,NO,需要 M, 427.34;C,,H,,NO,需要 M, 428.351。将1,4-二氢-2,6-二甲氧基苯甲酸-小块新鲜切好的钠加入到2,6-二甲氧基苯甲酸(1g,5.48mmol)在甲醇(10ml)和液氨(30ml)的搅拌溶液中,在-78“C下,直到固体溶解,溶液的蓝色在两次添加之间持续10分钟。然后加入固体氯化铵(2.9g)在78“C下剧烈搅拌。氨蒸发后,将残留物溶解在水(5ml)中,将冷却的(0“C)溶液酸化至pH3,温度保持在5”C以下。将悬浮液萃取成二氯甲烷,回收产物由乙醇轻质石油(b.p.40-60“C)结晶,得到无色结晶(0.41g,41%),熔点126-128”C(1it.,I7熔点129.5“C);v,,,,(Nujol) 3 6-2 200, 1 704, 1 689, and 1 661 cm-';6,(60兆赫;CDCI,) 2.95 (2 H, m)、3.60 (6 H, s)、3.90 (1 H, t, J 3.3 Hz)、4.90 (2 H, t, J 3.5 Hz) 和 8.65 (1 H, br s, 可与 D,O 交换) (Found: M+, 184.C9H1204 requires M, 184)。1-Benzyfo.wmetho.~.vmeth?~l-1,4-二氢0-2,6-二甲氧基苯(9;R=CH,OCH,Ph).-上述1,4-二氢-2,6-二甲氧基苯甲酸(86.3mg,0.将47mmol)的四氢呋喃(5ml)溶液滴加到氢化铝锂(60.5mg,1.59mmol)的四氢呋喃(7ml)溶液中,在室温下氮气下加入。30分钟后,用乙酸乙酯(10ml)和水(2ml)淬灭反应,并将产物回收为油(71.5mg,89%);v,,,.(胶片)3 691、3 438、1 686 和 1 657 cm-';6,(250兆赫;CDCI,) 2.03 (1 H, br s, OH), 2.80-2.88 (2 H, m), 3.58 (6 H, s), 3.55-3.62 (1 H, t), 3.83 (2 H, d, J3.9 Hz) 和 4.82 (2 H, t, J 3.6 Hz) (发现: M+, 170.2.C9H1403 需要 M, 170.2)。通过将乙基(二异丙基1)胺(7.61g,58.90mmol)和苄氧基甲基氯(7.38g,47.12mmol)加入到二氯甲烷(4.01g,23.56mmol)在氮气下的室温溶液中,将该醇直接转化为苄氧基甲基衍生物。4小时后,在快速色谱[洗脱液:轻石油乙酸乙酯(9:l)]后,获得标题化合物为油(6.24g,91%);2257 6,(250 兆赫;CDCl,) 2.80-2.99 (3 H, m, 4-H 和 1-H), 3.56 (6 H, s, 2-Me0), 3.94 (2 H, d, J 2.6 Hz, OCH,CH), 4.53 (2 H, s, PhCH,O), 4.71 (2 H, s, OCH,O), 4.754.88 (2 H, m, 3- 和 5-H) 和 7.25-7.39 (5 H, m) [发现: (M+ -PhCH,OH) 182.C17H2204 (M -C7H8) 需要 182)。该化合物在室温下迅速分解,无法获得令人满意的元素分析。从醇(2.0 g,11.75 mmol)、二苯基叔丁基氯硅烷(3.37 ml,12.92 mmol)和咪唑(1.75 g,25.8 mmol)在氮气下回流于二氯甲烷(30 ml)中。它从乙醇水溶液中形成无色血小板,熔点83-84“C(发现:C,73.55;H,7.9。C,,H,,O,Si 需要 C, 73.49;H,7.89%)。2-苄氧基甲氧基甲基-3-乙氧基环己-2-烯酮(lo).-向上述苄氧基甲醚(0.31g,1.06mmol)在室温(3ml)乙醇中的搅拌溶液中加入甲苯对磺酸(2mg)。1小时后,将反应混合物用乙醚稀释,并用饱和碳酸氢钠水溶液洗涤。回收产物[洗脱液:氯仿-甲醇(9:1)]的干柱快速色谱法得到淡黄色油状环己烯酮(0.28g,91%);vmax。(胶片)1640 和 1601 cm-';6,(250兆赫;CDC1,) 1.34 (3 H, t, J 7.0 Hz, MeCH,O), 2.01 (2 H, m, 5-H,), 2.37(2H,unresolvedt),2.60(2H,t,J6.2Hz),4.11(2H,q,J7.0 Hz,OCH,Me),4.42 (2 H,s, PhCH,OCH,OCH,),4.65 (2 H,s, PhCH,O), 4.81 (2 H, s, OCH,O) 和 7.26-7.42 (5 H m);6,(62.9兆赫;CDCl,) 15.20 (Me)、20.68、25.92、36.25 (3-CH2)、57.78 (CH,OCH,OCH,PH)、64.15 (OCH,Me)、68.90 (PhCH,O)、94.62 (OCH,O)、116.20 (C)、127.5、127.99、128.33 (3 phenyl, CH)、138.33 (phenyl C)、175.33 (C-3) 和 197.38 (GO)(发现:M'、290.1527.C17H2204需要 M、290.1516)。2-苄氧基甲氧基甲基-3-(4-二甲基-叔丁基硅氧基-丁基)环己烯-2-烯酮.-上述环己酮(1.69g,5.将81mmol)的四氢呋喃溶液(5ml)滴加到-78“C的格氏试剂溶液中,由镁粉(0.19g,7.75mmol)和1-氯-4-二甲基-叔丁基硅氧基丁烷(1.44g,6.46mmol)在四氢呋喃(16ml)中回流15h。将溶液在-78“C下保持3小时,并在室温下过夜。加入饱和氯化铵水溶液,用短柱色谱法[洗脱液:轻石油乙酸乙酯(17:3)]纯化回收产物,得到标题化合物为油(1.14g,45%);vmax。(fi1m) 3 090,2 860, 1 673, 和 1 640 cm-';6,(250兆赫;CDC1,) 0.04 (6 H, s, 2-SiMe), 0.89 (s, 3-Me, Bu'), 1.55-1.65 (4 H, m, 2-CH2), 1.91-2.02 (2 H, 2 重叠 t,), 2.37-2.46 (6 H, m, 3-CH2), 3.61 (2 H, t, J 5.7 Hz, SiOCH,CH,), 4.37 (2 H, s, PhCH,OCH,OCH,), 4.64 (2 H, s,PhCH,O),4.79(2H,s,PhCH,0CH2O),和7.26-7.42(5 H, m);6,(62.9兆赫;CDCl,) 5.28 (Me), 18.32 (Bu'), 22.27, 24.60 (2-CH,), 25.97 (Me), 30.73, 32.87, 34.76, 37.72 (4-CH2), 59.72 (PhCH,OCH,OCH,), 62.63 (SiOCH,), 69.39 (PhCH,O), 94.66 (PhCH,OCH,O), 127.60, 127.93, 128.38 (苯基 3-CH), 131.95 (C-2), 138.12 (苯基 C), 164.99 (C-3) 和 198.01 (C=O) [发现: (M+ + l), 433.2779.C2,H4,04Si 需要 M, 432.26961. 3-乙酰氧基-1-(4-二甲基-叔丁基硅氧基丁基)-2-(苄氧基甲氧基芥烯基1)环己烯-1-烯。92 g)用硼氢化钠和氯化铈(m)还原成环己烯醇,如上所述,得到油(1.87 g,97%)。如前所述,在4-二甲基氨基吡啶存在下,通过与乙酸酐和吡啶反应将其直接转化为标题化合物。乙酸盐以油形式获得(1.58 g,两步为74%);2258 vmax.(胶片)2 930、2 854 和 1 729 cm-';6,(250兆赫;CDCl,) 0.04 (6 H, s, 2-MeSi), 0.89 (9 H, s, 3-Me), 1.43-1.86 (8 H, m, 4-CH2), 2.02 (3 H, s, MeCO,), 2.04-2.19 (4 H, m, 2-CH2), 3.60 (2 H, t, J6.0 Hz, SiOCH,), 3.93,3.97,4.21,4.26 (2 H, AB 系统, J 11.0 Hz, PhCH,OCH,OCH,), 4.55,4.60,4.61, 和 4.66 (2 H, AB 系统, J 1 1.8 Hz, PhCH,O) “.7 1,4.73,4.74 和 4.77 (2 H,AB 系统,J 6.8 Hz,PhCH,OCH,O),5.50 (1 H,br s) 和 7.26-7.36 (5 H,m);6,(62.9兆赫;CDCl,) -5.25 (MeSi), 18.13 (CH,), 18.35 (CMe,), 21.40 (MeCO, ), 24.94 (CH,), 26.01 (3-CMe3), 28.82, 29.90, 32.93, and 33.25 (4-CH,), 62.98 (SiOCH,), 64.48 (CH,), 68.74 (CH), 69.37 (PhCH,O), 94.20 (CH,), 125.89 (C), 127.71,127.91, and 128.49 (3-CH), 138.15 (C), 144.71 (C), and 170.92 (MeCO,) [Found: (M+ + NH,), 494.3306.C2,H,,05Si requires M, 476.2958;C,,H,,O,NSi (M+ + NH,) 需要 M, 494.33021。3-A乙酰氧基-1-(苄基洛西姆甲氧基)-2-(4-羟基丁基)CycZohex-1-烯-上述二甲基叔丁基硅烷基醚(1.55g,3.26 mmol)的THF(10ml)溶液在室温下与四丁基氟化铵在THF(1.0mol I-';9.77ml)中转化为游离醇30分钟。经短柱色谱纯化后[洗脱液:轻石油-thy1乙酸盐(3;2)]以油(1.05g,89%)形式获得;vmax。(fiIm) 3 439, 2 935, 2 867, and 1733 cm-';6,(250兆赫;CDCl,) 1.43-1.87 (9 H, m, 4-CH2 + OH), 2.02 (3 H, s, MeCO,), 2.04-2.18 (4 H, m, 2-CH2), 3.59 (2 H, t, J 6.1 Hz, CH,CH,CH,OH), 3.93, 3.98,4.22, 和 4.26 (2 H, AB 系统, J 11.1 Hz, PhCH20CH,0CH,), 4.55, 4.60, 4.61, 和 4.66 (2 H, AB 系统, J 11.8 Hz, PhCH,O), 4.70, 4.73, 4.73, 4.76 (2 H, AB system, J 6.8 Hz, PhCH,OCH,O), 5.49 (1 H, br s, CH at C-3), and 7.27-7.35 (5 H, m) [Found: M', 362.2337 (M' + NH, -H,O) 需要 362.23311.由醇 (1 .O g,2.75 mmol)和甲苯-对磺酰氯(0.79g,5.5 mmol)和吡啶(445 pl,5.5 mmol)在氯仿(2.7ml)中,在0°C下放置3小时。用短柱色谱[洗脱液:轻石油-thy1乙酸盐(3:l)]纯化,得到油(1.23g,87%);6,(250兆赫;CDC1,) 1.43-2.00 (8 H, m, 4-CH2), 2.02 (3 H, s, MeCO,), 2.04-2.12 (4 H, m, 2-CH2), 2.43 (3 H, s), 3.89, 3.93, 4.14, and 4.19 (2 H, AB system, J 11.1 Hz, PhCH,0CH20CH,), 4.01 (2 H, t, J 6.2 Hz, CH,CH,OTs), 4.53,4.57,4.59, and 4.64 (2 H, AB system, J 11.9 Hz, PhCH,O)、4.68、4.70、4.71 和 4.74(2 H,AB 系统,J 6.8 Hz,PhCH,OCH,O),5.47 (1 H, br s, 3-H) 和 7.26-7.79 (9 H, m, ArH);6,(62.9兆赫;CDCl,), 18.05 (CH,), 21.39 (MeCO,) )、21.62 (ArMe)、24.44、28.74、28.89、29.70 和 32.74 (5-CH2)、64.32 (PhCH、OCH、OCH、)、68.58 (C-3)、69.39 (PhCH,O)、70.31 (CH,OTs)、94.15 (PhCH,OCH,O)、126.45 (C)、127.74、127.86、127.98、128.51 和 129.93 (5-CH)、133.51、138.11、143.82 和 144.79 (4-C) 和 170.90 (MeCO,) [发现:Mf,534.2528.C28H,,NO7S 需要 (M+ + NH,) 534.25253.3-乙酰氧基-1-(4-苄基氨基丁基)-2-(苄基甲氧基-甲基)环己-1-烯 (1;将R=H,R'=CH,OCH,OCH,-Ph).-苄胺(0.61g,5.71mmol)和碘化钠(10mg)加入到上述甲苯对磺酸盐(1.18g,2.28mmol)的二甲基亚砜(7ml)氮溶液中。14小时后,将混合物用乙醚稀释,并用快速色谱法[洗脱液:氯仿-甲醇(19:1)]纯化回收产物,得到胺为淡黄色油(0.83g,81%);6,(250兆赫;CDCl,) 1.42-1.86 (8 H, m, 4-CH2), 2.01 (3 H, s, MeCO,), 2.03-2.17 (4 H, m, 2-CH2), 2.61 (2 H, t, J6.7 Hz, CH,CH,CH,N), 3.76 (2 H, s, PhCH,N), 3.92, 3.96, 4.20, and 4.24 (2 H, AB system, J 11.1 Hz, PhCH,OCH,OCH,), 4.54, 4.59, 4.60, 4.64 (2 H, AB system, J 11.9 Hz, PhCH,O)、4.69、4.72、4.73 和 4.75 (2 Hz, AB 系统, J 6.8 Hz, PhCH,OCH,O)、5.49 (1 H, br s, 3-H) 和 7.21-7.34 J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS.I 1988 (10 H, m);6,(62.9兆赫;CDCl,)、18.09 (CH,)、21.40 (MeCOJ、26.48、28.76、29.84、30.07 和 33.40 (SCH,)、49.26 (CHZNHCHzPh)、54.06 (PhCHZN)、64。39, PhCH2OCH2-OCH,)、68.64 (CH, C-3)、69.30 (PhCHZO)、94.09 (PhCH2O- CH,O)、125.79 (C)、126.93、127.63、127.80、128.12 和 128.40 (6-CH)、138.03、140.44 和 144.55 (3-C) 和 170.82 (MeCO,) [发现:(M+ + I),452.2804.C28H3,NO4 需要我的 451.28001。 1-苄基-7-(苄氧基甲氧基甲基)-1-氮杂螺[ 5.51-十一-7-烯(2;R=H,R'=CH,OCH,OCH,Ph).-将上述苄胺(0.25g,0.55mmol),三乙胺(153 p1,1.10mmol)和四(三苯基1-膦)钯(O)(74mg)在乙腈(10ml)中的搅拌溶液在氩气下回流48小时。将樱桃红溶液减压蒸发,残留物溶于氯仿(50ml)中,经硅胶过滤60H除去盐分。浓缩滤液[洗脱液:轻石油氯仿(1:l)]的短柱色谱法得到螺纹化合物为淡黄色油(99mg,46%);6,(250兆赫;CDCl,) 1.51-1.76 (9 H, m, 4-CH2 和 1 H 的 CH,), 2.02-2.06 (3 H, m, CH 和 1 H 的 CH,), 2.27 2.29 (m, 1 H 的 CH,), 2.52-2.57 (1 H, 的 CH,), 3.14, 3.19, 3.79, 和 3.85 (2 H, AB 系统, J 14.8 Hz, PhCH,N), 4.074.13 和 4.46-4.51 (2 H, AB 系统, OCH,C=)、4.51、4.56、4.58 和 4.63(2 H,AB 系统,J 11.8 Hz,PhCH,O)、4.73、4.75、4.76 和 4.78(2 H,AB 系统,J 6.7 Hz,PhCH,OCH,O)、5.99(1 H,未解决 t,8-H)和 7.15-7.32(10 H,m);6,(62.9兆赫;CDCl,) 20.04、20.33、21.57、25.37 和 26.23 (5-CH2)、33.56 (C-9)、45.67 (C-2)、55.02 (PhCHZN)、59.12 (C-6)、66.51 (PhCH、OCH、OCH、)、69。39 (PhCH,O)、94.34 (PhCH2-OCH,O)、126.25、127.51、127.68、127.82、128.16、128.21、128.34 (7-CH) 和 138.22、140.31 和 140.66 (3-C)(发现:M+、391.2519.C,,H、,NO 需要 M、391.251 1)。参考文献 1 W. 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