首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. マイクロ波·ミリ波フォトニクス >Investigation of Receiver DSP Carrier Phase Estimation Rate for Self-homodyne Space-division Multiplexing Communication Systems

Investigation of Receiver DSP Carrier Phase Estimation Rate for Self-homodyne Space-division Multiplexing Communication Systems

机译:Investigation of Receiver DSP Carrier Phase Estimation Rate for Self-homodyne Space-division Multiplexing Communication Systems

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In this work, we demonstrate a significant reduction, up to three orders of magnitude, of the required carrier-phase estimation rate for self-homodyne multi-core fiber systems, by analyzing experimental data with implementation-constrained, parametric digital signal processing (DSP). This result, combined with the fact that transmitter-local oscillator frequency offset does not need to be estimated in self-homodyne systems, can enable a significant improvement on receiver energy consumption.




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