首页> 外文期刊>plant breeding >Production of Homomatromorphs through Pollen Treatment inPisum sativumL.

Production of Homomatromorphs through Pollen Treatment inPisum sativumL.

机译:Production of Homomatromorphs through Pollen Treatment inPisum sativumL.



AbstractThe occurrence of homozygous matromorphic progenis inPisum sativumL. has, been assessed by using heterozygous female parents in intervarietal and intergeneric crosses. The pollen was subjected to three treatments, i.e. prickle pollination (delayed), gamma irradiation and giibberellic acid (GA3) application, The genetic status of the induced matromorphic progeny was determined by using, multiple gene markers. The frequency or occurrence of homomatromorphs was 3 to 7 per cent, which needs to be increased by pod, ovule or embryo culture, respectively.




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