首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied physics >Multiple internal reflection infrared spectroscopy of silicon surface structure and oxidation process at room temperature

Multiple internal reflection infrared spectroscopy of silicon surface structure and oxidation process at room temperature




It is demonstrated that the multiple internal reflection infrared (IR) spectroscopy using a germanium prism is a very powerful nondestructive diagnostic technique for the study of silicon wafer surfaces in a wide range of IR irradiation region. The technique limits neither the shape of samples nor the IR range due to the absorption by silicon itself. With this technique, it is demonstrated that; (i) dangling bonds of a silicon surface treated with HF solution and de‐ionized (DI) water are terminated mostly with H atoms, (ii) native oxide growth is enhanced by DI water rinsing, and the interstitial oxygen concentration in the silicon surface region increases during native oxide growth process, and (iii) DI water rinsing after HF etching replaces Si—F bonds with Si—H and Si—OH bonds on a silicon surface.




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