首页> 外文期刊>IEICE Transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications & computer sciences >An Efficient Submesh Allocation Scheme Based on Classified Free Submesh List and Task Relocation

An Efficient Submesh Allocation Scheme Based on Classified Free Submesh List and Task Relocation


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This paper presents a new submesh allocation scheme for mesh connected multicomputer systems, called CFSL-TR (Classified Free Submesh List-Task Relocation), which reduces task waiting time in two aspects, shortening submesh search time and reducing the submesh allocation delay caused by external fragmentation. This scheme classifies independent free submeshes by their types: square, horizontal rectangle, or vertical rectangle. Then it searches for the best-fit submesh only from one list depending on the type of the given task, thus saving submesh searching time. If no suitable submeshes are found, it is most likely caused by external fragmentation. In such a case, our scheme relocates the tasks being executed to free submeshes and combines the newly available submesh with other fragmented ones to form a larger submesh. This allows allocation of the task, otherwise to be put on the queue, hence reducing the submesh allocation delay. Through simulation, we show that our scheme helps reduce task waiting time and that it is by far more effective to reduce the submesh allocation delay caused by external fragmentation rather than to reduce submesh search time for reduction of the task waiting time.
机译:该文提出了一种新的网状连接多机系统子网格分配方案CFSL-TR(Classified Free Submesh List-Task Relocation),该方案从两个方面减少了任务等待时间,缩短了子网搜索时间,并减少了外部碎片导致的子网分配延迟。此方案按类型对独立自由子网格进行分类:正方形、水平矩形或垂直矩形。然后,它根据给定任务的类型仅从一个列表中搜索最适合的子网格,从而节省子网格搜索时间。如果没有找到合适的子网格,很可能是由外部碎裂引起的。在这种情况下,我们的方案将正在执行的任务重新定位到自由子网格,并将新可用的子网格与其他碎片化的子网格组合在一起,形成一个更大的子网格。这允许分配任务,否则将放在队列中,从而减少子网格分配延迟。通过仿真,我们表明,我们的方案有助于减少任务等待时间,并且减少外部碎片导致的子网格分配延迟比减少子网格搜索时间以减少任务等待时间更有效。




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