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Dictyostelium Development Shows a Novel Pattern of Evolutionary Conservation


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von Baer's law states that early stages of animal development are the most conserved. More recent evidence supports a modified "hourglass" pattern in which an early but somewhat later stage is most conserved. Both patterns have been explained by the relative complexity of either temporal or spatial interactions; the greatest conservation and lowest evolvability occur at the time of the most complex interactions, because these cause larger effects that are harder for selection to alter. This general kind of explanation might apply universally across independent multicellular systems, as supported by the recent finding of the hourglass pattern in plants. We use RNA-seq expression data from the development of the slime mold Dictyostelium to demonstrate that it does not follow either of the two canonical patterns but instead tends to show the strongest conservation and weakest evolvability late in development. We propose that this is consistent with a version of the spatial constraints model, modified for organisms that never achieve a high degree of developmental modularity.
机译:冯·贝尔定律指出,动物发育的早期阶段是最保守的。最近的证据支持一种改良的“沙漏”模式,其中早期但稍晚的阶段最保守。这两种模式都可以用时间或空间相互作用的相对复杂性来解释;最大的守恒性和最低的进化性发生在最复杂的相互作用时,因为它们会引起更大的影响,而选择更难改变。这种一般的解释可能普遍适用于独立的多细胞系统,正如最近在植物中发现的沙漏模式所支持的那样。我们使用来自粘液霉菌 Dictyostelium 发育的 RNA-seq 表达数据来证明它不遵循两种规范模式中的任何一种,而是倾向于在发育后期表现出最强的保守性和最弱的进化能力。我们认为这与空间约束模型的一个版本一致,该模型针对从未实现高度发育模块化的生物进行了修改。




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