首页> 外文期刊>Journal of environmental radioactivity >The Cs-137 activity concentration of suspended and dissolved fractions in irrigation waters collected from the 80 km zone around TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

The Cs-137 activity concentration of suspended and dissolved fractions in irrigation waters collected from the 80 km zone around TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station


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Fifty-four samples of irrigation water were collected in 2014 from agricultural ponds, rivers, and dams within the 80 km zone around TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS). The samples were filtered with a 0.45 gm pore-size membrane filter to produce suspended and dissolved fractions. The Cs-137 activity concentration of the suspended fraction varied from 1.5 to 300 Bq g(-1) dry weight and was significantly higher than that in the soil around each sampling site. The range of 137Cs activity concentrations in the dissolved fraction varied over three orders of magnitude at 0.0075-6.7 Bq I-1, which was a larger range than that of the suspended fraction; the higher values for samples were from within the 20 km zone. In the dissolved fraction 87 +/- 9 of the Cs-137 (n = 37) was in a monovalent cationic form (Cs+) and therefore potentially mobile. The distribution coefficient (Kd) ranged from 4100 to 2,100,000; the geometric mean value (110,000) was higher than that reported by the IAEA (2010). The geometric mean Kd of samples collected from the 20 km zone was 61,000 (n = 27), which was significantly lower than that collected from 20 to 80 km zone (200,000, n = 27). The Kd-value was negative correlated with the concentration of stable Cs-133 and the electric conductivity in the dissolved fraction. This shows relatively higher mobility of radiocaesium in irrigation waters may occur when there are higher contents of cations present. (c) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:2014年,从东京电力公司福岛第一核电站(FDNPS)周围80公里范围内的农业池塘、河流和水坝中收集了54个灌溉水样本。用 0.45 gm 孔径的膜过滤器过滤样品以产生悬浮和溶解的馏分。悬浮组分的Cs-137活性浓度在1.5-300 Bq g(-1)干重之间变化,显著高于各采样点周围土壤。在0.0075-6.7 Bq I-1时,溶解组分中137Cs活性浓度的范围变化了3个数量级,比悬浮组分的范围大;样本的较高值来自20公里区域内。在溶解部分中,87 +/- 9% 的 Cs-137 (n = 37) 呈单价阳离子形式 (Cs+),因此具有潜在的流动性。分布系数(Kd)范围为4100至2,100,000;几何平均值(110,000)高于原子能机构报告的(2010年)。从20 km区域采集的样品的几何平均Kd为61,000 (n = 27),显著低于从20至80 km区域采集的样品 (200,000, n = 27)。Kd值与稳定Cs-133浓度和溶解馏分中的电导率呈负相关。这表明,当阳离子含量较高时,灌溉水中放射性铯的迁移率可能相对较高。(c) 2017 爱思唯尔有限公司保留所有权利。




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