
DNA repair is more important than catalase for Salmonella virulence in mice.


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Pathogenic microorganisms possess antioxidant defense mechanisms for protection from reactive oxygen metabolites such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which are generated during the respiratory burst of phagocytic cells. These defense mechanisms include enzymes such as catalase, which detoxify reactive oxygen species, and DNA repair systems which repair damage resulting from oxidative stress. To determine the relative importance of these two potentially protective defense mechanisms against oxidative stress encountered by Salmonella during infection of the host, a Salmonella typhimurium double mutant unable to produce either the HPI or HPII catalase was constructed, and compared with an isogenic recA mutant deficient in DNA repair. The recA mutant was hypersusceptible to H2O2 at low cell densities in vitro, while the catalase mutant was more susceptible to high H2O2 concentrations at high cell densities. The catalase mutant was found to be resistant to macrophages and retained full murine virulence, in contrast to the recA mutant which previously was shown to be macrophage-sensitive and attenuated in mice. These observations suggest that Salmonella is subjected to low concentrations of H2O2 while at relatively low cell density during infection, conditions requiring an intact DNA repair system but not functional catalase activity.
机译:病原微生物具有抗氧化防御机制,可防止活性氧代谢物(如过氧化氢 (H2O2))的侵害,这些代谢物是在吞噬细胞呼吸爆发期间产生的。这些防御机制包括解毒活性氧的过氧化氢酶等酶,以及修复氧化应激造成的损伤的DNA修复系统。为了确定这两种潜在的保护性防御机制对宿主感染期间沙门氏菌遇到的氧化应激的相对重要性,构建了一种不能产生HPI或HPII过氧化氢酶的鼠伤寒沙门氏菌双突变体,并与DNA修复缺陷的同基因recA突变体进行了比较。recA突变体在体外低细胞密度下对H2O2超敏感,而过氧化氢酶突变体在高细胞密度下对高H2O2浓度更敏感。发现过氧化氢酶突变体对巨噬细胞具有抗性并保留了完全的小鼠毒力,而先前被证明对巨噬细胞敏感且在小鼠中减弱的recA突变体。这些观察结果表明,沙门氏菌在感染期间受到低浓度的 H2O2 的影响,而细胞密度相对较低,这种情况需要完整的 DNA 修复系统,但没有功能性过氧化氢酶活性。




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