首页> 外文期刊>Pacific Science: A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region >Interspecific spawning between a recent immigrant and an endemic damselfish (Pisces : Pomacentridae) in the Hawaiian Islands

Interspecific spawning between a recent immigrant and an endemic damselfish (Pisces : Pomacentridae) in the Hawaiian Islands


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The Indo-Pacific damselfish Abudefduf vaigiensis (Quoy Gaimard, 1825) was first observed in the Hawaiian Islands in the early 1990s and is now clearly established as a breeding population in the Islands. Sightings of fish with color patterns intermediate between those of A. vaigiensis and the very similar endemic Hawaiian sergeant, Abudefduf abdominalis (Quoy Gaimard, 1825), suggest that hybridization of the two has occurred naturally. This study provides direct evidence of crossbreeding from observations and video footage of two separate spawnings in nearshore waters of O'ahu and a third spawning in a public aquarium display tank. Reproductive behaviors were similar in intra- and interspecific spawning. However, one important difference was the absence of courtship by the male A. abdominalis toward the female A. vaigiensis in the interspecific spawnings. Instead, the female A. vaigiensis initiated spawning and the male A. abdominalis remained to fertilize, guard, fan, and clean the hybrid clutch along with a previous clutch until the embryos hatched. Embryos collected from one hybrid clutch showed normal embryonic development and subsequently hatched to produce viable swimming larvae. These observations represent a rare example of interspecific spawning in the damselfish family (Pomacentridae) and an exceptional opportunity to study hybridization and introgression in a wild population of coral reef fishes.
机译:1990年代初,印度-太平洋豆娘Abudefduf vaigiensis(Quoy&Gaimard,1825)首次在夏威夷群岛被观察到,现在明确地被确定为群岛的繁殖种群。目击到的鱼的颜色图案介于A. vaigiensis和非常相似的夏威夷特有中士Abudefduf abdominalis(Quoy&Gaimard,1825)之间,表明两者的杂交是自然发生的。这项研究从欧胡岛近岸水域的两次独立产卵和公共水族馆展示池中第三次产卵的观察和视频片段中提供了杂交育种的直接证据。种内产卵和种间产卵的繁殖行为相似。然而,一个重要的区别是,在种间产卵中,雄性腹曲霉对雌性曲霉没有求偶。取而代之的是,雌性 A. vaigiensis 开始产卵,雄性 A. abdominalis 留下来受精、保护、扇动和清洁杂交离合器以及之前的离合器,直到胚胎孵化。从一个杂交离合器收集的胚胎显示出正常的胚胎发育,随后孵化以产生可存活的游泳幼虫。这些观察结果代表了豆娘科(Pomacentridae)种间产卵的罕见例子,也是研究野生珊瑚礁鱼类种群杂交和渗入的绝佳机会。




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