首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied physics >A phenomenological model of switching in metalhyphen;thin insulatorhyphen;semiconductorhyphen;semiconductor devices: A development of the analogy with the thyristor

A phenomenological model of switching in metalhyphen;thin insulatorhyphen;semiconductorhyphen;semiconductor devices: A development of the analogy with the thyristor

机译:A phenomenological model of switching in metalhyphen;thin insulatorhyphen;semiconductorhyphen;semiconductor devices: A development of the analogy with the thyristor



The present understanding of the basic operational parameters of twohyphen; and threehyphen;terminal metalhyphen;thin insulatorhyphen;semiconductorhyphen;semiconductor (MISS) switches is reviewed briefly. Although several different approaches have been tried, since the first descriptions of MISS devices in 1972, agreement between theory and experiment is at best semiquantitative. Even a parameter as basic as the (dc) static threshold voltage is not accurately predicted by current models. In the present paper a thyristor analogy is developed more fully and quantitatively, drawing upon wellhyphen;established theories of instabilities inphyphen;nhyphen;phyphen;nstructures. By making the justified assumption that in MISS devices inversion at the semiconductorhyphen;insulator interface forms only when the switching voltage is attained, it is possible to predict the threshold voltage and its temperature dependence in twohyphen;terminal structures. The effect of base current on the switching voltage of threehyphen;terminal devices can similarly be accounted for in a phenomenological way. Comparisons are made with published data from several sources and the thyristor model is shown to provide good agreement between experimental data and calculated parameters (values of the threshold voltage) for MISS devices with silicon oxide insulating layers.




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