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Reaction of 1,2-benzodithiole-3-thione with ethylene- and trimethylenediamines




1974 869Reaction of 1,2-Benzodithiole-3-thione with Ethylene- and Trimethylene-d iami nesBy Joseph Patrick Brown, Nickell Laboratories, Monsanto Chemicals Ltd., Cefn Mawr, WrexhamIn contrast to its reactions with rnonoarnines, in which only one of its sulphur atoms is displaced, 1.2-benzodithiole-3-thione can react with ethylene- and trimethylene-diarnines with displacement of two sulphur atoms ; theproducts are probably o-rnercaptophenyl-substituted nitrogen heterocycles.BOSHAGEN and his co-workers found that aliphaticamines react with 1 ,Z-benzodithiole-3-thione to givetwo series of interconvertible isomeric products : 1,2-benzoisothiazoline-3-thiones (1) and 1,Z-benzodithiol-3-imines (2). No reports of compounds from reactionof two inolecules of amine with one of the thione havebeen seen, so it was therefore expected that ethylene-diamine would react with two molecules of thioneto give the bis-compound (3), or its isomer (4).Infact, unchanged thione was recovered from the reactionand, together with a little of the expected bis-compound,a yellow compound, C,HloN2S, was also isolated,evidently formed from one molecule of diamine andone molecule of thione, with loss of one molecule ofhydrogen sulphide and one atom of sulphur.( 3 )H(5)The mass spectrum of the compound suggested theabsence of C=S and the possible presence of SH. Then.m.r. spectrum was not helpful; different types ofnon-aromatic protons could not be distinguished.Fhe i.r. spectrum indicated an NH group but there wasno prominent band attributable to SH.The compoundwas soluble in hot water, the yellow solution instan-taneously becoming colourless on acidification andalmost colourless on basification. Structure (5; R =H. Boshagen, H. Feltkamp, and W. Geiger, Ber., 1967, 100,2436; A. Baruffini, P. Borgna, and L. Amoretti, I1 Farmaco,1968, 28, 674.H) is therefore tentatively suggested rather than thecorresponding tricyclic benzoisothiazoline structureoriginally favoured. The bicyclic structure was sug-gested by Dr. D. Leaver,2 who postulates the illustratedmode of formation of this compound (see Scheme) andof a homologue, CloH,,N2S, with similar properties(except for differences in the i.r. spectrum, which in-clude a prominent band attributed to SH) which hasbeen made from trimethylenediamine.Both homo-lopes react additively with one molecular proportionof ethyl iodide. There is no band attributable to SHSCHEMEin the i.r. spectrum of either product. The simplestinterpretation is that S-alkylation has occurred in eachcase, so that the products are bicyclic, i.e. the hydriodideof compound ( 5 ; R = Et) and the correspondingtetrahydropyrimidine.EXPERIMENTALReaction of 1,2-BenzodithioZe-3-thione with Ethyle9aedi-amine.-A mixture of the thione (9.2 g), ethylenediamine(1.5 g), and ethanol (60 ml) was boiled for 4 h, then cooled,and the solid (6.4 g) was filtered off and slurried with warmbenzene (50 ml) for 10 min to remove unchanged thione.The undissolved material was recrystallised from ethanolto give crude 2-o-mercapto~henyE-Aha-imidazoZine (5 ; R = H)(1.05 g) . Recrystallisation from dimethylformamide gavebronze-yellow plates, m.p.244' (Found: C, 61.0; H, 5.6;N, 15.9; S, 17.0. C,H,,N,S requires C, 60-7; H, 5.6; N,15-7; S, 18.0), vm, (Nujol) 3200-3000, 1590, 1565,1415, 1286, 1100, 1058, 725, and 664 cm-l, m/e 178 (Mf).A little ethanol-insoluble material was recrystallised fromdimethylformamide to give NN'-bis- (1,2-benzodithioZ-3-yZ-idene)ethyZenediamine (4) as bronze-yellow needles (0- 19 g) ,m.p. 233-234" (Found: C, 53.3; H, 3.5; N, 7.9; S, 34-9.CIsH,,N,S requires C, 53-3; H, 3.3; N, 7.8; S, 35-6),v,, (Nujol) 2865, 1605, 1440, 1292, 1012, 758, and 715cm-l.Repetition of the experiment with twice the amount ofD.Leaver, Chemistry Department, University of Edin-burgh, personal communication870 J.C.S. Perkin Iethylenediamiiie gave a high yield (6-9 g) of compound(5). Use of a large excess of boiling diamine in the absenceof soIvent gave an intractable, brown gum.Reaction of 1,2-BenzodithioZe-3-thione with Trimethylene-diamine.-A solution of the thione (4.56 g) in benzene(40 ml) was treated with trimethylenediamine (1.03 ml),added in five portions on successive days. After two moredays, the benzene solution was decanted from a browngum and evaporated. Recrystallisation of the residuefrom ethanol gave yellow prisms (0.56 g), m.p. 210-220"of the 1,4,5,6-tetrahyd~o-2-o-mercaptophenyl~yrimidine(Found: C, 62-2; H, 6.3; N , 14.6; S, 16.7.C1,Hl,N,Srequires C , 62.5; H, 6.3; N , 1 4 4 ; S , 16.7), vmx. (KBr)3150, 3045, 2610, 1600, 1320, 1044, and 737 cm-', m/e192 (M+).Reaction of tlze Mercapto-cornPoupids with Ethyl Iodide.-The imidazoline (0.5 g), partly dissolved in boiling ethanol(10 ml), was treated with ethyl iodide ( 1 ml). The restof the starting material rapidly dissolved. After 3 minboiling, the solution was concentrated to yield, on cooling,cream plates (0.48 g), m.p. 185-189" of the hydriodide of2-o-ethylthiophenyl- Aa-imidazoline (Found : C, 39-5 ; €3, 4.7 ;N , 8.4. C,,H,,IN,S requires C, 39.5; H, 4.5; N , 84),v- 3000, 1605, 1580, 1475, 1360, 1280, 1030, 988, 763,730, and 650br cm-l. Similarly, the tetrahydropyrimidine(0.17 g ) yielded the hydriodzde of 2-o-ethylthiophenyZ-lJ4,5,6-tetrahydropyrimidine (0.08 g), m.p. 185" (Found: C, 41.2;H, 4.9; N, 7.9. C,,H1,1N2S requires C, 41-1; H, 4.9;N, 8.00,/,), Urn. 3120, 3000, 1630, 1610, 1425, 1315, 1200,970, 766, and 732 cm-l.I thank Dr. T. B. Gay and Mrs. J. Ellis for help with theinterpretation of spectra.3/2215 Received, 29th October, 1973
机译:1974 8691,2-苯并二硫烯-3-硫酮与乙烯和三亚甲基-d iami nes的反应作者:Joseph Patrick Brown,Nickell Laboratories,Monsanto Chemicals Ltd.,Cefn Mawr,Wrexham与rnonoarnines的反应相反,其中只有一个硫原子被置换,1.2-苯并二硫烯-3-硫酮可以与乙烯和三亚甲基二二烯反应,并置换两个硫原子;产物可能是O-RNERCAPTOPHENYL取代的氮杂环。BOSHAGEN和他的同事发现,脂肪族胺与1,Z-苯并二硫唑-3-硫酮反应,得到两个系列的可互转化异构体产物:1,2-苯并异噻唑啉-3-硫酮(1)和1,Z-苯并二硫醇-3-亚胺(2)。目前还没有看到两种胺与一种硫酮反应产生化合物的报道,因此预计乙二胺会与两个硫酮分子反应得到双化合物(3)或其异构体(4)。事实上,从反应中回收了未改变的硫酮,并且与少量预期的双化合物一起,还分离出一种黄色化合物C,HloN2S,显然是由一分子二胺和一分子硫酮形成的,损失了一分子硫化氢和一分子硫。( 3 )H(5)该化合物的质谱表明不存在C=S,可能存在SH。频谱没有帮助;无法区分不同类型的非芳香族质子。Fhe i.r.光谱表明 NH 组,但没有可归因于 SH 的突出波段。该化合物易溶于热水,黄色溶液在酸化时逐渐变为无色,在碱化时几乎无色。结构 (5;R =H. Boshagen, H. Feltkamp, and W. Geiger, Ber., 1967, 100,2436;因此,A. Baruffini, P. Borgna, and L. Amoretti, I1 Farmaco,1968, 28, 674.H)被初步提出,而不是相应的三环苯并异噻唑啉结构。D. Leaver 博士 2 提出了双环结构,他假设了该化合物(见方案)和同系物 CloH,,N2S 的形成方式,具有相似的性质(除了 i.r. 光谱的差异,其中包括归因于 SH 的突出条带),该化合物由三亚甲基二胺制成。两种同质碘与一个分子比例的碘乙烷发生加性反应。在这两种产品的 i.r. 光谱中都没有可归因于 SHSCHEME 的频段。最简单的解释是,在每种情况下都发生了S-烷基化,因此产物是双环的,即化合物的氢碘化物(5;R = Et)和相应的四氢嘧啶。实验将硫酮(9.2 g)、乙二胺(1.5 g)和乙醇(60 ml)的混合物煮沸4 h,然后冷却,滤去固体(6.4 g),用温苯(50 ml)浆液10 min,除去未改变的硫酮。将未溶解的物质从乙醇中重结晶,得到粗品2-o-巯基~henyE-Aha-咪唑嗪(5 ;R = H)(1.05 克)。二甲基甲酰胺重结晶得到青铜黄色板,m.p.244'(发现:C,61.0;H,5.6;N,15.9;S,17.0。C,H,,N,S要求C,60-7;H,5.6;N,15-7;S, 18.0%), vm, (Nujol) 3200-3000, 1590, 1565,1415, 1286, 1100, 1058, 725, and 664 cm-l, m/e 178 (Mf).从二甲基甲酰胺中重结晶少量乙醇不溶性物质,得到NN'-双(1,2-苯并二硫代Z-3-yZ-亚甲基)乙二胺(4)为青铜黄色针状(0-19 g),熔点233-234“(发现:C,53.3;H,3.5;N,7.9;S, 34-9.CIsH,,N,S 需要 C, 53-3;H,3.3;N,7.8;S, 35-6%),v,, (Nujol) 2865, 1605, 1440, 1292, 1012, 758, and 715cm-l.用两倍量的D.Leaver重复实验,爱丁堡大学化学系,个人交流870 J.C.S. Perkin Iethylenediamiiie 给出了高产率 (6-9 g) 的化合物 (5)。在没有soIvent的情况下使用大量过量的沸腾二胺会产生顽固的棕色胶质。1,2-苯并二硫代-3-硫酮与三亚甲基二胺的反应-硫酮(4.56 g)在苯(40 ml)中的溶液用三亚甲基二胺(1.03 ml)处理,连续5天加入。再过两天,将苯溶液从棕胶中倒出并蒸发。乙醇残留物的再结晶得到黄色棱镜(0.56 g),熔点。210-220“的1,4,5,6-四氢~O-2-O-巯基苯基~嘧啶(Found: C, 62-2;H,6.3;N,14.6;S, 16.7.C1,Hl,N,要求C , 62.5;H,6.3;N , 1 4 4 ;S , 16.7%), vmx.(KBr)3150、3045、2610、1600、1320、1044 和 737 cm-',m/e192 (M+)。巯基玉米Poupids与碘乙酯的反应-咪唑啉(0.5g)部分溶于沸腾的乙醇(10ml)中,用碘乙烷(1ml)处理。其余的起始材料迅速溶解。煮沸3分钟后,将溶液浓缩至冷却,得到乳平板(0.48g),熔点185-189“的2-O-乙基硫苯-Aa-咪唑啉的氢碘化物(发现:C,39-5;€3,4.7;N , 8.4.C,,H,,IN,S 需要 C, 39.5;H,4.5;N , 84%),v- 3000、1605、1580、1475、1360、1280、1030、988、763,730 和 650br cm-l。类似地,四氢嘧啶(0.17g)产生2-O-乙基噻吩Z-lJ4,5,6-四氢嘧啶(0.08g)的氢碘化物,熔点185“(发现:C,41.2;H,4.9;N,7.9。C,,H1,1N2S 需要 C, 41-1;H,4.9;N,8.00,/,),瓮&3120,3000,1630,1610,1425,1315,1200,970,766和732厘米-l。我感谢 T. B. Gay 博士和 J. Ellis 夫人对光谱的解释。[3/2215 收稿日期: 1973-10-29




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