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Generalized Scalar Multiplication Secure against SPA, DPA, and RPA

机译:针对 SPA、DPA 和 RPA 的广义标量乘法安全

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In the execution on a smart card, elliptic curve cryptosystems have to be secure against side channel attacks such as the simple power analysis (SPA), the differential power analysis (DPA), and the rehned power analysis (RPA), and so on. MMM-algorithm proposed by Mamiya, Miyaji, and Morimoto is a scalar multiplication algorithm secure against SPA, DPA, and RPA, which can decrease the computational complexity by increasing the size of a pre-computed table. However, it provides only 4 different cases of pre-computed tables. From the practical point of view, a wider range of time-memory tradeoffs is usually desired. This paper generalizes MMM-algorithm to improve the flexibility of tables as well as the computational complexity. Our improved algorithm is secure, efficient and flexible for the storage size.
机译:在智能卡上执行时,椭圆曲线密码系统必须能够抵御侧信道攻击,例如简单功耗分析 (SPA)、差分功耗分析 (DPA) 和功耗分析 (RPA) 等。Mamiya、Miyaji 和 Morimoto 提出的 MMM 算法是一种针对 SPA、DPA 和 RPA 的标量乘法算法,它可以通过增加预计算表的大小来降低计算复杂度。但是,它仅提供 4 种不同的预计算表情况。从实用的角度来看,通常需要更广泛的时间-记忆权衡。该文对MMM算法进行了推广,以提高表格的灵活性和计算复杂度。我们改进的算法对于存储大小来说是安全、高效和灵活的。




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