首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied physics >Magnetic ordering in dimorphic phases of FeF3⋅3H2O: Magnetic and Mo¨ssbauer studies

Magnetic ordering in dimorphic phases of FeF3⋅3H2O: Magnetic and Mo¨ssbauer studies

机译:FeF3⋅3H2O二晶相的磁有序:磁性和Mo ̈ssbauer研究



The two crystallographic modifications of ferric fluoride trihydrate (agr;‐ and bgr;‐FeF3⋅3H2O) were synthesized and studied by magnetic and Mo¨ssbauer techniques. The two forms could be distinguished by their different Mo¨ssbauer parameters. The magnetic susceptibility versus temperature curves also showed distinct differences. The susceptibility decreased monotonically with increasing temperature for the agr; form. For the bgr; form, however, the susceptibility decreased initially and then went through a broad maximum around 130 K. The agr; form was found to convert to the bgr; form after a year. The broad maximum in the susceptibility versus temperature curve observed for bgr;‐FeF3⋅3H2O is explained in terms of cooperative interaction involving relatively small number of Fe3+ions. Postulates concerning the nature of the short‐range antiferromagnetic ordering within ‘‘clusters’’ of Fe3+ions are presented.
机译:采用磁学和Mo ̈ssbauer技术合成了氟化铁三水合物(&agr;‐和&bgr;‐FeF3⋅3H2O)的两种晶体修饰。这两种形式可以通过它们不同的 Mo ̈ssbauer 参数来区分。磁化率与温度曲线也显示出明显的差异。&agr;形式的敏感性随温度的升高而单调降低。然而,对于&bgr;形式,敏感性最初下降,然后在130 K左右经历了广泛的最大值。发现 &agr; 形式在一年后转换为 &bgr; 形式。&bgr;‐FeF3⋅3H2O 观察到的磁化率与温度曲线的广泛最大值是用涉及相对较少数量的 Fe3+ 离子的协同相互作用来解释的。提出了关于Fe3+离子“团簇”内短距离反铁磁有序性质的假设。




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