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Newcastle disease vaccination of broilers


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Newcastle disease (ND) is predominantly a respiratory disease affecting chickens of all ages. The virus initially targets and damages the respiratory tract. Systemic protection by antibodies alone will not prevent damage to the respiratory tract. To prevent local tissue damage, a strong local immune response is vital for complete protection of the respiratory tract against a ND infection. ND virus strains can have different preferences for target organs (tropism). There are ND virus strains with a high tropism towards the respiratory tract (respiratory strains) and other ND virus strains with a high tropism towards the enteric tract (enteric strains). ND strains with a high respiratory tropism (La Sota type, Clone 30, Hitchner BI) are the first choice for ND vaccines to induce good local immunity in the respiratory tract, forming a strong first line of defence against ND infection. On the contrary the enteric ND strains bypass the respiratory tract and replicate primarily in the enteric tract, inducing a local reaction there.
机译:新城疫(ND)主要是影响各个年龄段鸡的呼吸道疾病。该病毒最初会靶向并损害呼吸道。仅靠抗体的全身保护并不能防止对呼吸道的损害。为了防止局部组织损伤,强烈的局部免疫反应对于全面保护呼吸道免受ND感染至关重要。 ND病毒株对靶器官的偏好可能不同(嗜性)。有对呼吸道有高嗜性的ND病毒株(呼吸道菌株)和对肠胃有高嗜性的其他ND病毒株(肠毒株)。具有高度呼吸亲和力的ND菌株(La Sota型,Clone 30,Hitchner BI)是ND疫苗的首选,可在呼吸道中诱导良好的局部免疫,从而形成了抵抗ND感染的强大第一道防线。相反,肠ND株绕过呼吸道并主要在肠道中复制,从而在该处引起局部反应。



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