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Association Between Breast Feeding and Asthma in 6 Year Old Children: Findings of a Prospective Birth Cohort Study

机译:6 岁儿童母乳喂养与哮喘结肠的关联; 前瞻性出生队列研究的结果



Some previous work suggests that exclusive breast-feeding protects against atopic disease and asthma, but other studies fail to support this conclusion. The best way of demonstrating protection against childhood asthma is to follow up a large cohort of children prospectively from birth, assessing both exposures and outcomes. Such a study recently was conducted in Western Australia in a cohort established in 1989–1992, in which 2187 children were followed up to age 6 years. An association between the duration of exclusive breast-feeding and the risk of atopy or asthma at age 6 was sought by logistic regression analysis, controlling for a number of confounding factors, such as gender, gestational age, early child care, and smoking in the household.Introducing milk other than breast milk before age 4 months significantly increased the risk of asthma and atopy-related outcomes. The odds ratio for physician-diagnosed asthma was 1.25; for three or more episodes of wheezing since age 12 months, 1.41; and for wheezing in the past year, 1.31. The age at first wheezing and age when asthma was diagnosed both were less when nonbreast milk was introduced within the first 4 months of life. The odds ratios also were increased for sleep disorder secondary to wheezing in the past year (1.42) and a positive skin prick test reaction to at least one common aeroallergen (1.30). These findings suggest that maintaining exclusive breast-feeding until at least age 4 months may protect against asthma or atopy developing later in childhood.Br Med J 1999;319:815–819
机译:以前的一些研究表明,纯母乳喂养可以预防特应性疾病和哮喘,但其他研究未能支持这一结论。证明对儿童哮喘的保护作用的最佳方法是从出生开始前瞻性地随访一大批儿童,评估暴露情况和结果。最近在西澳大利亚州进行了一项研究,该队列成立于1989-1992年,其中对2187名儿童进行了随访,直至6岁。通过逻辑回归分析寻找纯母乳喂养持续时间与 6 岁时特应性或哮喘风险之间的关联,控制了许多混杂因素,例如性别、胎龄、幼儿保育和家庭吸烟。在 4 个月大之前引入母乳以外的母乳会显著增加哮喘和特应性相关结局的风险。医生诊断的哮喘的比值比为1.25;自 12 个月大以来出现 3 次或更多次喘息,为 1.41;过去一年的喘息,1.31。在出生后的前 4 个月内引入非母乳时,首次喘息的年龄和诊断哮喘的年龄都较小。过去一年中继发于喘息的睡眠障碍(1.42)和对至少一种常见空气过敏原的皮肤点刺试验反应阳性(1.30)的比值比也有所增加。这些发现表明,将纯母乳喂养维持到至少 4 个月大可以预防儿童后期的哮喘或特应性发展。Br Med J 1999 年;319&冒号;815–819




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