首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. >Human high intelligence is involved in spectral redshift of biophotonic activities in the brain

Human high intelligence is involved in spectral redshift of biophotonic activities in the brain


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Human beings hold higher intelligence than other animals on Earth; however, it is still unclear which brain properties might explain the underlying mechanisms. The brain is a major energy-consuming organ compared with other organs. Neural signal communications and information processing in neural circuits play an important role in the realization of various neural functions, whereas improvement in cognitive function is driven by the need for more effective communication that requires less energy. Combining the ultraweak biophoton imaging system (UBIS) with the biophoton spectral analysis device (BSAD), we found that glutamate-induced biophotonic activities and transmission in the brain, which has recently been demonstrated as a novel neural signal communication mechanism, present a spectral redshift from animals (in order of bullfrog, mouse, chicken, pig, and monkey) to humans, even up to a near-infrared wavelength (similar to 865 nm) in the human brain. This brain property may be a key biophysical basis for explaining high intelligence in humans because biophoton spectral redshift could be a more economical and effective measure of biophotonic signal communications and information processing in the human brain.
机译:人类比地球上的其他动物拥有更高的智力;然而,目前尚不清楚哪些大脑特性可以解释潜在的机制。与其他器官相比,大脑是主要的能量消耗器官。神经回路中的神经信号通信和信息处理在实现各种神经功能方面发挥着重要作用,而认知功能的改善是由需要更少能量的更有效通信的需求驱动的。将超弱生物光子成像系统(UBIS)与生物光子光谱分析装置(BSAD)相结合,我们发现谷氨酸诱导的生物光子活动和大脑中的传输,最近被证明是一种新的神经信号通信机制,呈现出从动物(按牛蛙、小鼠、鸡、猪和猴子的顺序)到人类的光谱红移,甚至在人脑中达到近红外波长(类似于865 nm)。这种大脑特性可能是解释人类高智力的关键生物物理基础,因为生物光子光谱红移可能是人类大脑中生物光子信号通信和信息处理的更经济和有效的测量方法。




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