首页> 外文期刊>chemistryselect >Behavior of Intramolecular p-p Interactions with Doubly Degenerated Bond Paths Between Carbon Atoms in Opposite Benzene Rings of Diethenodihydronaphthalenes by QTAIM Approach

Behavior of Intramolecular p-p Interactions with Doubly Degenerated Bond Paths Between Carbon Atoms in Opposite Benzene Rings of Diethenodihydronaphthalenes by QTAIM Approach


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Dynamic and static nature of intramolecular p-p interactions between ethylene moieties in diethenodihydronaphthanaphtalene (1b) and derivatives (2b-12b) are elucidated by employing QTAIM-DFA (QTAIM dual functional analysis). During the course of the investigations, doubly degenerated bond paths were detected between carbon atoms in opposite benzene rings of dibenzo-derivative of 1b with an etheno-bridge on the backside (11b). It must be very curious, since one BP should correspond to an interaction between two carbon atoms. Intramolecular p-p interactions in 1b-12b are all classified by the pure CS (closed shell) interactions. The interactions between ethylene groups, with no substituents as in 1b-8b, are predicted to have the van der Waals (vdW) nature. Those for 9b-12b have the hydrogen bond (HB) nature with no covalency, where the ethylene moieties are included in one or two benzene ring(s), except for 10b, if evaluated with MP2/6311G(3d). The character in 10b is close to the borderline area between the vdW and HB nature with no covalency, although should be the vdW type. The interactions in 2b-12b evaluated with MP2/6-311G(3d) are predicted to be somewhat stronger than the case with MP2/6-311G(d), as a whole.
机译:采用QTAIM-DFA(QTAIM双功能分析)阐明了二氢萘(1b)和衍生物(2b-12b)中乙烯部分之间分子内p-p相互作用的动态和静态性质。在研究过程中,检测到1b的二苯并衍生物的相反苯环中的碳原子之间有双简并键路径,背面有乙烯桥(11b)。这一定很奇怪,因为一个BP应该对应于两个碳原子之间的相互作用。1b-12b中的分子内p-p相互作用均按纯CS(闭壳)相互作用分类。没有取代基的乙烯基团之间的相互作用,如1b-8b,被预测为具有范德华(vdW)性质。9b-12b具有氢键(HB)性质,没有共价性,如果用MP2/6311G(3d)评估,乙烯部分包含在一个或两个苯环中,但10b除外。10b 中的字符接近 vdW 和 HB 性质之间的边界区域,没有共价,但应该是 vdW 类型。用MP2/6-311G(3d)评估的2b-12b中的相互作用预计比MP2/6-311G(d)的相互作用要强一些。




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