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The effective microwave surface impedance of highTcthin films




The dependence of the effective surface impedanceZeff=Reff+iXeffof superconducting thin films on the film thicknessd, on the magnetic field penetration depth lgr;, and on the dielectric properties of the substrate material is investigated theoretically by means of impedance transformations. It was found that the effective surface resistanceReffcan be expressed byRSf(d/lgr;)+RtranswhereRSis the intrinsic surface resistance of the superconductor. The functionf(d/lgr;) describes the altered current density distribution in the film.Rtransarises from power transmission through the film. It depends ondand lgr; as well as on the dielectric properties of the substrate material and is significantly altered in the case of a resonant background. The effective surface reactanceXeffof a superconducting thin film can be expressed byXS cosh(d/lgr;) whereXS=ohgr;mgr;0lgr; is the intrinsic surface reactance. Measurements ofZeffat 87 GHz have been performed for YBa2Cu3O7−dgr;thin films grown epitaxially by laser ablation on SrTiO3, MgO, and LaAlO3. With the best films,Reff(77 K) values of 21 mOHgr; andRS(77 K) values of 8 mOHgr; were achieved. The temperature dependence of lgr; was found to be in good agreement to both weak‐coupling BCS theory in the clean limit and the empirical two‐fluid model relation with lgr; (0 K) values ranging from 140 to 170 nm and 205 to 250 nm, respectively.
机译:通过阻抗变换从理论上研究了有效表面阻抗Zeff=Reff+iXeffof超导薄膜对膜厚d、磁场穿透深度&lgr;和衬底材料介电性能的依赖性.结果表明,有效表面电阻Reff可以用RSf(d/&lgr;)+Rtrans表示,其中RS是超导体的固有表面电阻。函数f(d/&lgr;)描述了薄膜中电流密度分布的改变。Rtrans产生于通过薄膜的电力传输。它取决于基板材料的介电性能,并且在谐振背景的情况下会发生显着变化。超导薄膜的有效表面电抗Xeff可以用XS cosh(d/&lgr;)表示,其中XS=&ohgr;&mgr;0&lgr;是本征表面电抗。Zeffat 87 GHz 的测量已经对通过激光烧蚀在 SrTiO3、MgO 和 LaAlO3 上外延生长的 YBa2Cu3O7−&dgr;薄膜进行了测量。在最好的薄膜下,Reff(77 K)值为21 m&OHgr;,RS(77 K)值为8 m&OHgr;。结果表明,&lgr;的温度依赖性与清洁极限下的弱&连字符耦合BCS理论和&lgr;(0 K)值的&lgr;(0 K)值分别为140-170 nm和205-250 nm的经验双&连字符流体模型关系吻合良好。




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