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Ciprofloxacin criteria in antimicrobial prophylaxis and bladder cancer recurrence.


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Oral ciprofloxacin might achieve higher concentration in urine than in serum; theoretically, this drug might act as an anticancer drug against bladder cancer cells. Among fluoroquinolones, ciprofloxacin is distinguished by strong inhibition of topoisomerase II. A good correlation between cytotoxic activity of ciprofloxacin toward eukaryotic cells and its ability to induce the cleavable complexes topoisomerase II-DNA has been demonstrated. These data provide a basis for supposing that ciprofloxacin may act as anticancer drug. The efforts of evaluating ciprofloxacin's influence on human bladder cell lines have been shown by many authors. The cells were exposed to ciprofloxacin at various concentrations that are attainable in the urine after oral drug administration. Antiproliferative potential of the ciprofloxacin against human bladder cells varies according to drug concentration and time of incubation. It seems that ciprofloxacin can act as an anticancer drug in eukaryotic cells. Low urine pH can enhance the antitumor effect of ciprofloxacin. Ciprofloxacin enhances the effect of action of doxorubicin and epirubicin, which are used to prevent bladder cancer recurrence after transurethral resection of superficial bladder cancer. We think that ciprofloxacin might be used for antibacterial prophylaxis and as an anticancer agent in patients with superficial bladder cancer. This idea must be checked in future placebo controlled trials.
机译:口服环丙沙星在尿液中的浓度可能高于血清中的浓度;从理论上讲,这种药物可以作为对抗膀胱癌细胞的抗癌药物。在氟喹诺酮类药物中,环丙沙星的特点是对拓扑异构酶II的强烈抑制。环丙沙星对真核细胞的细胞毒性活性与其诱导可切割复合物拓扑异构酶 II-DNA 的能力之间存在良好的相关性。这些数据为假设环丙沙星可能作为抗癌药物提供了依据。许多作者已经展示了评估环丙沙星对人膀胱细胞系影响的努力。将细胞暴露于口服给药后尿液中可达到的各种浓度的环丙沙星。环丙沙星对人膀胱细胞的抗增殖潜力因药物浓度和孵育时间而异。环丙沙星似乎可以在真核细胞中作为抗癌药物。低尿pH值可增强环丙沙星的抗肿瘤作用。环丙沙星增强了多柔比星和表柔比星的作用,用于预防浅表性膀胱癌经尿道切除术后的膀胱癌复发。我们认为环丙沙星可用于浅表性膀胱癌患者的抗菌预防和抗癌药物。这个想法必须在未来的安慰剂对照试验中得到验证。




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