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Adolescents' Reasons for Smoking




ABSTRACT:Part of the Hutchinson Smoking Prevention Project, this study provides information on reasons reported by adolescents for their smoking behavior. A total of 1,615 10th grade students in 20 rural and suburban school districts in Washington state were asked why they currently smoke and why they first smoked. For beginning smoking, curiosity, social norms, and social pressure were the most frequently given reasons for smoking. For current smoking, pleasure and addiction were mentioned most often. A number of gender differences occurred with 10th grade students beginning and current smoking. More females than males reported social norms and social pressure as reasons for beginning to smoke, whereas for currently smoking, pleasure was given as a reason more frequently by females than males. When developing interventions, smoking prevention programs need to consider students' current and past smoking behavior, and the reasons they give for smoking. (J Sch Health. 1992;62(5):185–19
机译:摘要: 作为哈钦森吸烟预防项目的一部分,本研究提供了有关青少年报告吸烟行为原因的信息。华盛顿州 20 个农村和郊区学区的 1,615 名 10 年级学生被问及他们目前吸烟的原因以及他们为什么第一次吸烟。对于开始吸烟,好奇心、社会规范和社会压力是吸烟最常见的原因。对于目前的吸烟,最常提到的是快乐和成瘾。10年级学生开始吸烟和目前吸烟时出现了许多性别差异。报告社会规范和社会压力是开始吸烟的原因的女性多于男性,而对于目前吸烟的女性,女性比男性更频繁地将快乐作为原因。在制定干预措施时,吸烟预防计划需要考虑学生当前和过去的吸烟行为,以及他们给出的吸烟原因。(J Sch Health.1992年;62(5):185–19




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