首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 情報理論. Information Theory >On the Redundancy Rate of FF and VF Source Codes for General Sources

On the Redundancy Rate of FF and VF Source Codes for General Sources

机译:On the Redundancy Rate of FF and VF Source Codes for General Sources

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This paper is concerned with the redundancy rate of fixed length source code for a general source with a countably infinite alphabet. We evaluate the minimum achievable redundancy rate R of fixed-to-fixed length (FF) and variable-to-fixed length (VF) codes with two definitions of redundancy rates, which are (i) the difference between the coding rate and the spectral sup-entropy rate and (ii) the difference between the coding rate and the self information rate. First we show that, when we restrict the fixed-length code class within the class of FF codes, R with definition (i) is zero, but R with definition (ii) can be positive. Next we show that, by taking the VF codes into account, R with definition (ii) can be decreased to zero.




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