首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied polymer science >Tensile and impact behavior of drawn polystyrene and high‐impact polystyrene

Tensile and impact behavior of drawn polystyrene and high‐impact polystyrene




AbstractThe tensile behaviors of drawn polystyrene (PS) and high‐impact polystyrene (HIPS) were examined systematically in the wide range of strain rate, 1.7 × 10−4–13.1 m/s, without changing the mode of deformation and the shape of the test pieces. It was found for both PS and HIPS that the flexion points of birefringence with increase of draw ratio are intimately correlated with the tensile properties. Especially, the breaking strain and energy of undrawn and drawn HIPS were assigned to the contributions of the following three toughening mechanisms: (a) the generation of large numbers of microcrazes from the equatorial zone of the dispersed rubber particles; (b) the extension of interfacial rubber phase around the circumpolar zone of the dispersed rubber particles and its disintegration from the matrix component; and (c) the shear band formation of the matrix component followed by cold drawing. These mechanisms were discussed in connection with the factors of stress concentration to the rubber particles, hydrostatic pressure effect arising from the difference in Poisson's ratio of rubber and matrix components, and heat generation due to the adiabatic defor
机译:摘要在不改变试件变形方式和形状的情况下,系统地研究了拉伸聚苯乙烯(PS)和高抗冲聚苯乙烯(HIPS)在1.7×10−4–13.1 m/s的宽应变速率范围内的拉伸行为。结果表明,PS和HIPS的双折射屈曲点随着拉伸比的增加而增加,与拉伸性能密切相关。特别是,未拉伸和拉伸HIPS的断裂应变和能量被归因于以下三种增韧机制的贡献:(a)从分散的橡胶颗粒的赤道区产生大量的微裂纹;(b)分散橡胶颗粒的界面橡胶相在极带周围的延伸及其从基体组分中的分解;(c)基体组件的剪切带形成,然后进行冷拔。结合橡胶颗粒的应力集中、橡胶与基体组分泊松比差异引起的静水压力效应以及绝热除热引起的热量等因素,讨论了这些机理




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