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Mass transfer from a sphere in an oscillating flow with zero mean velocity




A pseudospectral numerical method is used for the solution of the Navier-Stokes and mass transport equations for a sphere in a sinusoidally oscillating flow with zero mean velocity. The flow is assumed laminar and axisymmetric about the sphere's polar axis. Oscillating flow results were obtained for Reynolds numbers (based on the amplitude of the free-stream velocity) between 1 and 150, and Strouhal numbers between 1 and 1000. Sherwood numbers were computed and their dependency on the flow frequency and amplitude discussed. An assessment of the validity of the quasi-steady assumption for mass transfer is based on these results.
机译:采用伪谱数值方法求解平均速度为零的正弦振荡流动中球体的纳维-斯托克斯方程和质传递方程。假设流动围绕球体的极轴是层流和轴对称的。雷诺数(基于自由流速度的振幅)在 1 到 150 之间,斯特劳哈尔数在 1 到 1000 之间,获得了振荡流动结果。计算了舍伍德数,并讨论了它们对流动频率和振幅的依赖性。基于这些结果,对传质的准稳态假设的有效性的评估。




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