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Eni starts production of the East Hub Development Project, deep offshore Angola

机译:埃尼集团开始生产安哥拉近海的East Hub开发项目

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Eni has started production of the East Hub Development Project, in Block 15/06 of the Angolan deep offshore. In just three years from the development plan, and five months ahead of schedule, Cabaca South East field starts production. Production from the field is taking place through the Armada Olombendo FPSO vessel, which can generate up to 80,000 b/d and compress up to 3.4 million m~3 of gas per day. Production of the Cabaca South East field, 350 km northwest of Luanda and 130 km west of SoyoWith, started from nine wells and four manifolds at a water depth of 450 m. Production from the East Hub Project will add to production from the existing West Hub Project comprising the Sangos, Cinguvu and Mpungi fields, where the FPSO N'Goma is operating. In total, Block 15/06 will reach a peak of 150,000 b/d this year.
机译:埃尼集团已开始生产位于安哥拉近海15/06区块的East Hub开发项目。在开发计划实施后的短短三年内,比计划提前了五个月,Cabaca South East油田开始生产。该油田的生产是通过Armada Olombendo FPSO船进行的,该船每天可生产高达8万桶/日,压缩天然气量高达340万m~3。位于罗安达西北350公里、SoyoWith以西130公里处的Cabaca South East油田的生产始于水深450米的9口井和4个歧管。East Hub项目的产量将增加现有West Hub项目的产量,该项目包括Sangos、Cinguvu和Mpungi油田,FPSO N'Goma正在运营。总体而言,15/06区块今年将达到15万桶/日的峰值。




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