首页> 外文期刊>Bio-medical materials and engineering >The effect of diameter, length and elastic modulus of a dental implant on stress and strain levels in peri-implant bone: A 3D finite element analysis

The effect of diameter, length and elastic modulus of a dental implant on stress and strain levels in peri-implant bone: A 3D finite element analysis


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This study investigated the effect of three different parameters of a dental implant on stress and strain values in the peri-implant bone by finite element analysis. In this work, the effect of diameter, length and elastic modulus on the biomechanical behavior of a new dental implant was simulated using the finite element method. A three-dimensional model of a mandible segment corresponding to the premolar region and twelve dental implant models were obtained. Loads in three directions were distributed on the surface of the coronal area of the dental implants. The dental implant models were obtained in the FreeCAD 0.16 software and the simulations were made using the Abaqus/CAE software. In all cases, higher stress concentrations were obtained in the peri-implant cortical bone between 40.6 and 62.8 MPa, while the highest levels of strain were observed in the peri-implant trabecular bone between 0.002544 and 0.003873. In general, the highest von Mises equivalent stress values were observed in the peri-implant cortical bone. However, in this bone, both the maximum von Mises equivalent stress values and the von Mises strain are similar or inferior to those reported in different studies by finite element for other models of dental implants under immediate loading. Maximum von Mises strain values were observed in peri-implant trabecular bone. However, in this bone strains levels were obtained that maintain bone density or increase it. The effect of the three simulated variables (implant diameter, length, and elastic modulus) have a statistically significant influence on the von Mises equivalent stress and in von Mises strain values.
机译:本研究通过有限元分析研究了种植牙的三个不同参数对种植体周围骨的应力和应变值的影响。本文采用有限元方法模拟了直径、长度和弹性模量对新型种植牙生物力学行为的影响。获得了与前磨牙区域相对应的下颌骨节段的三维模型和12个种植牙模型。三个方向的载荷分布在种植牙冠状区域的表面上。在FreeCAD 0.16软件中获取种植牙模型,并使用Abaqus/CAE软件进行模拟。在所有情况下,种植体周围皮质骨的应力浓度在 40.6 至 62.8 MPa 之间较高,而种植体周围小梁骨的应变水平最高,介于 0.002544 和 0.003873 之间。一般来说,在种植体周围皮质骨中观察到最高的 von Mises 等效应力值。然而,在这块骨头中,最大 von Mises 等效应力值和 von Mises 应变与不同研究中报告的有限元研究报告的相同或更差,用于其他模型的牙科植入物在即时负荷下。在种植体周围小梁骨中观察到最大 von Mises 应变值。然而,在这种骨应变中,获得了维持骨密度或增加骨密度的水平。三个模拟变量(种植体直径、长度和弹性模量)对 von Mises 等效应力和 von Mises 应变值具有统计学意义。




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