
Han-Kobayashi Rate Region for Gray-Wyner Source Coding System

机译:Han-Kobayashi Rate Region for Gray-Wyner Source Coding System

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A unified treatment for multiterminal lossless source coding problems developed by Han and Kobayashi is applied to the one-to-two lossless source coding system known as the Gray-Wyner coding system. Han and Kobayashi pointed out that their approach cannot be applied directly to the Gray-Wyner coding system, since the system is outside their framework. In this paper, a new coding system, which is equivalent to the Gray-Wyner coding system, is introduced, and then, the Han-Kobayashi rate region for the system is evaluated. Our main result demonstrates that the Han-Kobayashi rate region specifies the whole achievable rate region for the Gray-Wyner coding system.




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