首页> 外文期刊>Carbon: An International Journal Sponsored by the American Carbon Society >Synthesis of high quality multi-walled carbon nanotubes from the decomposition of acetylene on iron-group metal catalysts supported on MgO

Synthesis of high quality multi-walled carbon nanotubes from the decomposition of acetylene on iron-group metal catalysts supported on MgO


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During the last decade, some industrial applications have been anticipated for single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs and MWNTs). Among many factors, their future use will strongly depend on the development of new technologies for a large scale production. The so-called catalytic decomposition of hydrocarbons or carbon monoxide disproportionation 1-6, which stand on the chemistry of solid-gas reactions on a metallic surface, are the only viable solutions offering less energy consumption and easy scaling up compared to other production methods, such as the electric arc discharge or laser ablation of graphite. However, most of the reported processes with various catalysts and different decomposition parameters are not applicable for an industrial production because of small yields, presence of impurities or a poor structural quality of the nanotubes.




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