首页> 外文期刊>Physics Letters, B. Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics >The little Randall–Sundrum model at the large hadron collider

The little Randall–Sundrum model at the large hadron collider


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We present a predictive warped model of flavor that is cut off at an ultraviolet scale O(103) TeV. This “Little Randall–Sundrum (LRS)” model is a volume-truncation, by a factor y ≈6, of the RS scenario and is holographically dual to dynamics with number of colors larger by y. The LRS couplings between Kaluza–Klein states and the Standard Model fields, including the proton constituents, are explicitly calculablewithout ad hoc assumptions. Assuming separate gauge and flavor dynamics, a number of unwanted contributions to precision electroweak, Zbˉb and flavor observables are suppressed in the LRS framework,compared with the corresponding RS case. An important consequence of the LRS truncation, independent of precise details, is a significant enhancement of the clean (golden) di-lepton LHC signals, by O(y3), dueto a larger “p-photon” mixing and a smaller inter-composite coupling.
机译:我们提出了一个在紫外线尺度O(103)TeV下被切断的风味的预测扭曲模型。这个“小兰德尔-太阳德鲁姆 (LRS)”模型是 RS 场景的体积截断,系数为 y ≈6,并且在全息上对偶于动力学,颜色数量大于 y。Kaluza-Klein 状态和标准模型场之间的 LRS 耦合(包括质子成分)无需临时假设即可显式计算。假设规范和风味动力学是分开的,与相应的 RS 情况相比,LRS 框架中抑制了对精密电弱、Zbˉb 和风味可观察量的一些不需要的贡献。LRS截断的一个重要结果是,由于更大的“p光子”混合和较小的复合材料间耦合,O(y3)显着增强了干净的(金色)二轻子LHC信号。




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