首页> 外文期刊>aquaculture research >Effects of baffles and isolation on dorsal fin erosion in steelhead trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss(Walbaum)

Effects of baffles and isolation on dorsal fin erosion in steelhead trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss(Walbaum)

机译:挡板和隔离对虹鳟背鳍侵蚀的影响,Oncorhynchus mykiss(Walbaum)



Abstract.Dorsal fin condition was evaluated in two groups of hatchery‐reared steelhead trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss(Walbaum), and compared to wild fish. Hatchery fish were reared either in nursery tanks with baffles or in isolation (1 fish/rearing space). Evaluations were conducted to determine differences in dorsal fin condition between these groups and to monitor the progression and severity of fin damage. Isolated hatchery and wild steelhead trout maintained perfect dorsal fins with characteristic white margins. Hatchery fish reared in nursery tanks with baffles experienced dorsal fin erosion that started when the fish were about 40mm total length (30 days after being on feed). This erosion continued until dorsal fin length averaged only 2·3 mm in fish 161–200 mm total length in contrast to an average dorsal fin length of 20·9mm in wild fish of the same
机译:摘要:对2组孵化场养殖的虹鳟鱼Oncorhynchus mykiss(Walbaum)的背鳍状况进行评价,并与野生鱼类进行比较。孵化场的鱼要么在带挡板的育苗池中饲养,要么在隔离(1条鱼/饲养空间)中饲养。进行评估以确定这些组之间背鳍状况的差异,并监测鳍损伤的进展和严重程度。孤立的孵化场和野生虹鳟鱼保持了完美的背鳍和特征性的白色边缘。在带挡板的育苗池中饲养的孵化场鱼在鱼的总长度约为 40 毫米(喂食后 30 天)时开始出现背鳍侵蚀。这种侵蚀一直持续到总长度为161-200毫米的鱼类的背鳍长度平均仅为2.3毫米,而野生鱼类的平均背鳍长度为20.9毫米




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