首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied physics >Pressure and Temperature Effects on the Viscosity of Liquids

Pressure and Temperature Effects on the Viscosity of Liquids




The free energy of activation for viscous flow is related to an entropy and energy of activation by the same equations as any equilibrium. This, for the theory of viscosity is perfectly general and independent of the mechanism. The rolling over each other of pairs of molecules lying in adjoining layers is the mechanism which appears to be the most probable, and the equations for this bimolecular flow process are developed here. At low pressures the heat of activation for viscous flow is about one‐third the energy of vaporization, but as the pressure is raised, it increases rapidly because of the work term,P V/n′. HerePis the external pressure,Vis molal volume andV/n′is the extra volume required before the flow process can take place. Calculations made forn‐pentane, ether, benzene, iso‐pentane, water, and mercury over as extended a temperature and pressure range as the data permit are found to agree satisfactorily with the experimental viscosity. The results are interpreted in terms of the liquid structure and the mechanism of viscous flow. The results of applying our theory to the liquids for which the necessary data is available show that the effect of pressure on viscosity can be calculateda priori, with thermodynamic data only, with reasonable success.
机译:粘性流动的活化自由能与熵和活化能有关,其方程与任何平衡相同。对于粘度理论来说,这是完全通用的,并且与机理无关。位于相邻层中的成对分子相互滚动是似乎最有可能的机制,并且在这里发展了这种双分子流动过程的方程。在低压下,粘性流动的活化热约为汽化能量的三分之一,但随着压力的升高,由于功项P V/n′,活化热迅速增加。这里是外部压力,Vis 摩尔体积和 V/n′ 是流动过程发生之前所需的额外体积。在数据允许的温度和压力范围内,对戊烷、乙醚、苯、异戊烷、水和汞进行的计算与实验粘度令人满意地一致。从液体结构和粘性流动机制的角度对结果进行了解释。将我们的理论应用于具有必要数据的液体的结果表明,压力对粘度的影响可以先验地计算出来,仅使用热力学数据,并取得了合理的成功。




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