首页> 外文期刊>IEICE Transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications & computer sciences >An Approximation Algorithm for Minimum Certificate Dispersal Problems

An Approximation Algorithm for Minimum Certificate Dispersal Problems


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We consider a network, where a special data called certificate is issued between two users, and all certificates issued by the users in the network can be represented by a directed graph. For any two users u and v, when u needs to send a message to v securely, v's public-key is needed. The user u can obtain v's public-key using the certificates stored in u and v. We need to disperse the certificates to the users such that when a user wants to send a message to the other user securely, there are enough certificates in them to get the reliable public-key. In this paper, when a certificate graph and a set of communication requests are given, we consider the problem to disperse the certificates among the nodes in the network, such that the communication requests are satisfied and the total number of certificates stored in the nodes is minimized. We formulate this problem as MINIMUM CERTIFICATE DISPERSAL (MCD for short). We show that MCD is NP-Complete, even if its input graph is restricted to a strongly connected graph. We also present a polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm MinPivot for strongly connected graphs, when the communication requests satisfy some restrictions. We introduce some graph classes for which MinPivot can compute optimal dispersals, such as trees, rings, and some Cartesian products of graphs.
机译:我们考虑一个网络,其中两个用户之间颁发了一个称为证书的特殊数据,并且网络中用户颁发的所有证书都可以用有向图表示。对于任意两个用户 u 和 v,当您需要安全地向 v 发送消息时,需要 v 的公钥。用户 you 可以使用存储在 u 和 v 中的证书获取 v 的公钥。我们需要将证书分散给用户,以便当一个用户想要安全地向另一个用户发送消息时,其中有足够的证书来获取可靠的公钥。在本文中,当给出一个证书图和一组通信请求时,我们考虑了将证书分散在网络中节点之间的问题,从而满足通信请求并最小化节点中存储的证书总数。我们将此问题表述为 MINIMUM CERTIFICATE DISPERSAL(简称 MCD)。我们证明 MCD 是 NP-Complete,即使它的输入图被限制为强连接图。我们还提出了一种多项式时间 2 近似算法 MinPivot,用于强连接图,当通信请求满足某些限制时。我们介绍了一些 MinPivot 可以计算最优色散的图类,例如树、环和一些图的笛卡尔积。




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