
A mere formality


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WE ALL KNOW about the security challenges of personal computers: they get hacked, viruses hijack machines, and keystroke loggers steal passwords that then end up on public websites. Yet the amount of security-critical transactions conducted on such systems is steadily increasing. Now think about smart-phones and so-called mobile Internet devices, which are increasingly being used for critical transactions and which may replace PCs as the access device of choice for most Web services. These devices are, in many respects, starting to resemble PCs - albeit with a much more convenient form factor. Does this mean that they will be as prone to security exploits, and that we are heading towards full-scale disaster as far as the security of our Web services is concerned? We might be, if we don't do something about it. The good news is that the technology to protect us exists.
机译:我们都知道个人计算机的安全挑战:它们被黑客入侵,病毒劫持机器,击键记录器窃取密码,然后最终出现在公共网站上。然而,在此类系统上执行的安全关键型交易数量正在稳步增加。现在想想智能手机和所谓的移动互联网设备,它们越来越多地被用于关键事务,并可能取代PC成为大多数Web服务的首选访问设备。在许多方面,这些设备开始类似于 PC——尽管外形更方便。这是否意味着它们将同样容易受到安全漏洞的攻击,并且就 Web 服务的安全性而言,我们正在走向全面的灾难?如果我们不做点什么,我们可能是。好消息是,保护我们的技术是存在的。




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