首页> 外文期刊>clinical dysmorphology >Two sisters with growth failure, microcephaly, peculiar facies and apical dystrophythe presentation of brachymorphism‐onychodysplasia-dysphalangism syndrome?

Two sisters with growth failure, microcephaly, peculiar facies and apical dystrophythe presentation of brachymorphism‐onychodysplasia-dysphalangism syndrome?

机译:两姐妹患有生长障碍逗号; 小头畸形逗号; 奇异的面容和顶端营养不良短形性的表现连字符;甲癣发育不良-趾骨发育不良综合征QUEST;



We report two sisters with growth failure, relative microcephaly, peculiar facies and apical dystrophy (brachydactyly type B). They had shortness and clinodactyly of the Sth fingers, aplasia or hypoplasia of the distal phalanges of 5th fingers, short medial phalanges of the 2nd and Sth fingers, hypoplasia or aplasia of distal phalanges of 2–5th toes, with tiny toenails. and aplasia or nails of 5th fingers and right 5th toe in the younger sister. Dysmorphic facial features included high forehead, sparse hair, blepharophimosis, telecanthus, epicanthic folds, a low nasal bridge, a broad nasal tip and micrognathia. Their ears were low-set and malformed. The older sister additionally had a high-pitched voice and eczema on the face and limbs. In the younger sister a cardiac defect was diagnosed—ventricular and atrial septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus. They had some clinical features of Coffin-Siris syndrome, but with a milder phenotype and much less severe mental handicap. Their clinical picture resembles more the brachymorphism-onychodysplasia-dysphalangism (BOD) syndrome.
机译:我们报告了两个姐妹,患有生长障碍、相对小头畸形、特殊面容和根尖营养不良(B 型短指)。他们有第S指短短和斜指,第5指远端指骨发育不全或发育不全,第2和S指内侧指骨短,第2-5趾远端指骨发育不全或发育不全,脚趾甲细小。以及妹妹的第 5 根手指和右 5 脚趾的再生障碍或指甲。畸形的面部特征包括高额头、稀疏的头发、眼睑包茎、内眦赘皮、内眦赘皮、低鼻梁、宽鼻尖和小颌畸形。他们的耳朵低垂且畸形。姐姐的声音也很高,脸部和四肢有湿疹。在妹妹中,诊断出心脏缺陷——心室和房间隔缺损、动脉导管未闭。他们有一些Coffin-Siris综合征的临床特征,但表型较轻,精神障碍也不那么严重。他们的临床表现更类似于短形性-甲癣发育不良-趾骨发育不良 (BOD) 综合征。




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