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Trichogramma evanescens, Ephestia kuehniella, floral nectar, food, fecundity, longevity.

机译:Trichogramma evanescens,Ephestia kuehniella,花蜜,食物,繁殖力,长寿。

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In this study, the digestive system contents of Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 have been deter- mined. The annual distributions of the organisms in the contents were evaluated by using Geometrical Index of Importance (GII). In the digestive system contents of C. carpio living in Keban Dam Lake, 53 food items (Bacilariophyta 28 species, Chloropyhta, 3 species, Cyanophyta 2 species, Dinophyta 1 spe- cies, Rotifera. 10 species, C1adocera7 species, Cope- poda 1 species and Diptera 1 species), in Karakaya Dam Lake 40 food items (Bacilariophyta 19 species, Chlopyhta, 1 species, Rotifera 10 species, Cladocera 7 species, Copepoda 2 species and Diptera 1 species) and in Ataturk Dam lake 41 food items (Baci1an- ophyta 17, Chlorophyta 4 species, Rotifera 10 spe- cies, Cladocera 7 species, Copepoda 2 species and Diptera 1 species) have been identified. In these dam lakes species belonging to Bacillariophta were ob- served in every digestion system contents with high number of individuals and species richness. Species from Rotifera were the most recorded animal spe- cies. No empty digestive system content during the study period was observed. The results of Geometric Index of Importance indicated Cyprimzs carpio as omnivorous species.
机译:在这项研究中,对1758年鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758)的消化系统内容物进行了检测。利用几何重要性指数(GII)评估内容物中生物的年分布。在生活在Keban Dam湖的C. carpio的消化系统中,53种食物(Bacilariophyta 28种,Chloropyhta,3种,Cyanophyta 2种,Dinophyta 1种,轮虫,10种,C1adocera7种,Cope- poda 1种和双翅目1种),在Karakaya大坝湖中,40种食物(Bacilariophyta 19种,Chlopyhta,1种,Rotifera 10种, 枝翅目7种,桡足纲2种,双翅目1种),在阿塔图尔克大坝湖中鉴定出41种食物(芽孢杆菌门17种、绿藻门4种、轮翅目10种、枝翅目7种、桡足纲2种和双翅目1种)。在这些�坝�湖中,每个消化系统内容物中都观察到属于芽孢杆菌的物种,个体数量和物种丰富度都很高。来自Rotifera的物种是有记录最多的动物特质。在研究期间没有观察到空的消化系统内容物。重要几何指数结果表明,鲤鱼属杂食性物种。




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