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Expertise in a Computer Operating System: Conceptualization and Performance




This article describes a three-part empirical approach to understanding the development of expertise within the UNIX' operating system. We studied UNIX users with varying levels of expertise. The first part of our research attempted to ascertain the nature of their conceptualizations of the UNIX system. The second part measured users' performance in tasks requiring them to comprehend and produce UNIX commands. The third part was a longitudinal rather than cross-sectional analysis of the emergence of expertise. The conceptualization data suggest important differences in the models of UNIX structure formed by each group. Experts best represent the higher levels of the UNIX system; novices more fully represent the lower, more concrete levels of the system, including specific commands. UNIX users also differ markedly in performance, according to their history of use with the operating system. Only experts could successfully produce composite commands that required use of the distinctive features of UNIX (e.g., pipes and other redirection symbols), even though the intermediates and novices evidenced the component knowledge required for composite commands. This finding is somewhat surprising, inasmuch as these are fundamental design features of UNIX, and these features are taught in elementary classes. These data suggest, however, that these features can be used reliably only after extensive experience. The longitudinal data suggest that most subjects increased in expertise. However, expertise can decrease as a function of time, depending on system use. Those subjects who increased in expertise acquired the ability to produce the simple commands and represent the basic modules before they acquired knowledge of complex commands and advanced utilities. The nature of expertise is considered with respect to both system design and user characteristics, including users' conceptual models of system structure.
机译:本文介绍了一个由三部分组成的实证方法,用于理解 UNIX 操作系统中专业知识的发展。我们研究了具有不同专业水平的 UNIX 用户。我们研究的第一部分试图确定他们对UNIX系统概念化的本质。第二部分测量了用户在需要他们理解和生成 UNIX 命令的任务中的表现。第三部分是对专门知识的出现进行纵向分析,而不是横断面分析。概念化数据表明,每个小组形成的UNIX结构模型存在重要差异。专家最能代表 UNIX 系统的更高层次;新手更充分地代表了系统的较低、更具体的级别,包括特定的命令。UNIX 用户在性能方面也存在显著差异,具体取决于他们在操作系统中的使用历史。只有专家才能成功地生成需要使用 UNIX 独特功能(例如管道和其他重定向符号)的复合命令,即使中级和新手证明了复合命令所需的组件知识。这个发现有点令人惊讶,因为这些是UNIX的基本设计特性,而且这些特性是在初级课程中教授的。然而,这些数据表明,这些功能只有在拥有丰富的经验后才能可靠地使用。纵向数据表明,大多数受试者的专业知识都有所提高。但是,专业知识可能会随着时间的推移而减少,具体取决于系统使用情况。那些专业知识增加的受试者在获得复杂命令和高级实用程序的知识之前,获得了生成简单命令和表示基本模块的能力。专业知识的性质是在系统设计和用户特征方面考虑的,包括用户对系统结构的概念模型。




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