首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Exploiting cross-priming to generate protective CD8 T-cell immunity rapidly

Exploiting cross-priming to generate protective CD8 T-cell immunity rapidly

机译:利用交叉启动快速产生保护性 CD8 T 细胞免疫

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The number of memory CD8 T cells generated by infection or vaccination correlates strongly with the degree of protection observed in infection and tumor models. Therefore, rapid induction of protective numbers of effector and memory CD8 T cells may be crucial in the case of malignancy, pandemic infection, or bioterrorism. Many studies have shown that amplifying T-cell numbers by prime-boost vaccination is most effective with a substantial time interval between immunizations. In contrast, immunization with peptide-coated mature dendritic cells (DCs) results in a CD8 T-cell response exhibiting accelerated acquisition of memory characteristics, including the ability to respond to booster immunization within days of initial priming. However, personalized DC immunization is too costly, labor intensive, and time-consuming for large-scale vaccination. Here, we demonstrate that in vivo cross-priming with cell-associated antigens or antigen-coated, biodegradable microspheres in the absence of adjuvant quickly generates CD8 T cells that display the phenotype and function of long-term memory populations. Importantly, cross-primed CD8 T cells can respond to booster immunization within days of the initial immunization to generate rapidly large numbers of effector and memory T cells that can protect against bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections, including lethal influenza and malaria-causing Plasmodium infection. Thus, accelerated CD8 T-cell memory after in vivo cross-priming in the absence of adjuvant is generalizable and can be exploited to generate protective immunity rapidly.
机译:感染或疫苗接种产生的记忆CD8 T细胞的数量与感染和肿瘤模型中观察到的保护程度密切相关。因此,在恶性肿瘤、大流行性感染或生物恐怖主义的情况下,快速诱导效应和记忆 CD8 T 细胞的保护性数量可能至关重要。许多研究表明,在免疫接种间隔较长的时间内,通过初免加强疫苗接种扩增 T 细胞数量最有效。相比之下,用肽包被的成熟树突状细胞 (DC) 进行免疫会导致 CD8 T 细胞反应,表现出记忆特征的加速获得,包括在初始启动后数天内对加强免疫做出反应的能力。然而,对于大规模疫苗接种来说,个性化 DC 免疫过于昂贵、劳动密集且耗时。在这里,我们证明,在没有佐剂的情况下,与细胞相关抗原或抗原包被的可生物降解微球进行体内交叉启动可快速产生显示长期记忆群体表型和功能的 CD8 T 细胞。重要的是,交叉引发的 CD8 T 细胞可以在初始免疫后的几天内对加强免疫产生反应,从而快速产生大量效应和记忆 T 细胞,从而预防细菌、病毒和寄生虫感染,包括致命的流感和引起疟疾的疟原虫感染。因此,在没有佐剂的情况下,体内交叉启动后加速的 CD8 T 细胞记忆是可推广的,可以用于快速产生保护性免疫。




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