首页> 外文期刊>Molecular biology and evolution >Evolution of the TCP Gene Family in Asteridae: Cladistic and Network Approaches to Understanding Regulatory Gene Family Diversification and Its Impact on Morphological Evolution

Evolution of the TCP Gene Family in Asteridae: Cladistic and Network Approaches to Understanding Regulatory Gene Family Diversification and Its Impact on Morphological Evolution


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In the plant subclass Asteridae, bilaterally symmetrical flowers have evolved from a radially symmetrical ancestral phenotype on at least three independent occasions: in the Boraginaceae, Solanaceae, and Lamiales. Development of bilateral flower symmetry has been shown to be determined by the early-acting cycloidea (cyc) and dichotoma (dich) genes in Antirrhinum, a member of the Lamiales. cyc and dich belong to the TCP gene family of putative transcription factors. TCP gene sequences were isolated from 11 Asteridae taxa using an array of degenerate PCR primers. Closely related species exhibiting either ancestral actinomorphic or derived zygomorphic flowers were sampled for each independent origin of bilateral flower symmetry. Cladistic and network-based analyses were performed to establish viable hypotheses regarding the evolution of bilateral symmetry in Asteridae. For the TCP gene family, the use of cladistic phylogenetic analysis to identify orthologous genes is complicated by a paucity of alignable data, frequent gene duplication and extinction, and the possibility of reticulate evolution via intergenic recombination. These complicating factors can be generalized to many regulatory gene families. As an alternative to cladistic analysis, we propose the use of network analysis for the reconstruction of regulatory gene family phylogenetic and functional relationships. Results of analyses support the hypothesis that the origin of bilaterally symmetrical flowers in the Boraginaceae and Solanaceae did not require orthologs or functional analogs of cyc or dich. This suggests that the genetic mechanism that determines bilateral flower symmetry in these taxa is not homologous to that of the Lamiales. Results of analyses are consistent with the hypothesis that the evolution of bilateral floral symmetry in the Lamiales required the origin of a novel gene function subsequent to gene duplication.
机译:在植物亚纲 Asteridae 中,双边对称的花至少在三个独立的场合从径向对称的祖先表型进化而来:在 Boraginaceae、Solanaceae 和 Lamiales。双侧花对称性的发展已被证明是由 Lamiales 成员 Antirrhinum 的早期作用 cycloidea (cyc) 和 dichotoma (dich) 基因决定的。cyc 和 dich 属于推定转录因子的 TCP 基因家族。使用一系列简并 PCR 引物从 11 个菊科分类群中分离 TCP 基因序列。对表现出祖先放线形或衍生合形花的密切相关物种进行采样,以识别双侧花对称的每个独立起源。进行了分支和基于网络的分析,以建立关于紫菀科双边对称性进化的可行假设。对于TCP基因家族,由于缺乏可比对的数据,频繁的基因复制和灭绝以及通过基因间重组进行网状进化的可能性,使用分支系统发育分析来识别直系同源基因变得复杂。这些复杂的因素可以推广到许多调控基因家族。作为分支分析的替代方案,我们建议使用网络分析来重建调控基因家族系统发育和功能关系。分析结果支持以下假设,即Boraginaceae和Solanaceae中双边对称花的起源不需要cyc或dich的直系同源物或功能类似物。这表明,决定这些分类群中双侧花对称性的遗传机制与拉米亚勒斯的遗传机制不是同源的。分析结果与以下假设一致,即拉米亚莱斯双侧花对称性的进化需要基因复制后新基因功能的起源。




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