首页> 外文期刊>British journal of nursing: BJN >The importance of palliative care for patients with colorectal cancer.

The importance of palliative care for patients with colorectal cancer.


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In Westernized countries colorectal cancer is a very common form of cancer, with over 30,000 cases registered annually in the UK (Taylor et al, 2002). Cancer of the large bowel is the second most common cause of cancer death, with over 17,000 cases per year (Cancer Research Campaign (CRC), 1999). Bowel cancer is related to age, with as many as 80% of cases in people who are 60 years or over. Eighty per cent of patients undergo surgery with curative intent but recurrence will occur in half of these cases (National Cancer Institute, 2001). Palliative care is a person-centred approach that provides essential support to patients with bowel and colorectal cancer with an emphasis on symptom control, and psychological and social support. Care for this group of patients depends on an interdisciplinary approach with mutual respect for all the team members and good communication that enables the patient, where possible, to be involved in any decision-making about care and treatment.
机译:在西方国家,结直肠癌是一种非常常见的癌症,在英国每年有30,000例以上的病例登记(Taylor等,2002)。大肠癌是第二大最常见的癌症死亡原因,每年超过17,000例(癌症研究运动(CRC),1999年)。肠癌与年龄有关,在60岁以上的人群中,多达80%的人患有肠癌。 80%的患者因治愈而接受手术,但其中一半会复发(美国国家癌症研究所,2001年)。姑息治疗是一种以人为本的方法,为肠癌和结直肠癌患者提供必要的支持,重点是症状控制以及心理和社会支持。对这组患者的护理取决于跨学科的方法,相互尊重所有团队成员,并保持良好的沟通,使患者在可能的情况下能够参与有关护理和治疗的任何决策。



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