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Mechanism of Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation Mediated by Water-Soluble Cu-II-TEMPO Catalyst in Water: A Density Functional Theory Study


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The catalytic mechanism for the aerobic alcohol oxidation in the alkaline water solution catalyzed by a Cu-II/2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyl-1-oxy (TEMPO) catalyst system, ((L)Cu-II(Hen)(H2O) (H3L: 3-(5-Chloro-2-hydroxy-3-sulfophenylhydrazo) pentane-2,4-dione; en: Ethylenediamine), is presented by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Four pathways (path A, path B, path C and path D) are presented. Our calculations demonstrate that path A is the favourable pathway and zwitterionic property of the catalyst is not likely affect the efficiency of alcohol oxidation. In path A, the catalytic cycle consists of catalyst activation, substrate oxidation and catalyst regeneration parts. The calculated turn-over frequency (TOF = 3.89 h(-1)) is in line with the experimental result (TOF = 5.40 h(-1)). It is also found that the H atom migrates from alkoxide to the oxygen atom of TEMPO in the TOF determining transition state (TDTS).
机译:采用密度泛函理论(DFT)计算方法,采用密度泛函理论(DFT)计算方法,以Cu-II/2,2,6,6-四甲基哌啶基-1-氧(TEMPO)催化剂体系催化碱性水溶液中好氧醇氧化的机理。给出了四条路径(路径 A、路径 B、路径 C 和路径 D)。我们的计算表明,路径A是有利的途径,并且催化剂的两性离子性质不太可能影响醇氧化效率。在路径A中,催化循环由催化剂活化、底物氧化和催化剂再生部分组成。计算周转频率(TOF = 3.89 h(-1))与实验结果(TOF = 5.40 h(-1))一致。还发现,H原子在TOF决定过渡态(TDTS)中从醇盐迁移到TEMPO的氧原子。




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