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Quantitative analysis of spatial distribution of nucleation sites: microstructural implications


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Various computational schemes for thedetermination of nucleation conditions from fullycoalesced product microstructures are examined. Inparticular, a variety of types of nucleation sites,including those on the edges and corners of an underlyingstructure are considered. The analysis is facilitatedby simulating idealized cases wherein the nucleationconditions are known. In cases where only one type ofsite is active, the spatial distribution of nucleationsites is quantified in terms of neighbor distributionsand correlation functions. In cases of multiple typesof site potency, maps revealing importantmicrostructural behavior and trends are constructed. Itis found that the dimensionality of the subspace of siteson which nucleation occurs can be described and therebythe unique signatures of bulk, edge and cornernucleation in the calculated quantities can beidentified. The results of the simulations allowpossible nucleation conditions to be identified whichgive rise to a given experimental microstructure.




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