首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. >Root morphology and mycorrhizal symbioses together shape nutrient foraging strategies of temperate trees

Root morphology and mycorrhizal symbioses together shape nutrient foraging strategies of temperate trees


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Photosynthesis by leaves and acquisition of water and minerals by roots are required for plant growth, which is a key component of many ecosystem functions. Although the role of leaf functional traits in photosynthesis is generally well understood, the relationship of root functional traits to nutrient uptake is not. In particular, predictions of nutrient acquisition strategies from specific root traits are often vague. Roots of nearly all plants cooperate with mycorrhizal fungi in nutrient acquisition. Most tree species form symbioses with either arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) or ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi. Nutrients are distributed heterogeneously in the soil, and nutrient-rich "hotspots" can be a key source for plants. Thus, predicting the foraging strategies that enable mycorrhizal root systems to exploit these hotspots can be critical to the understanding of plant nutrition and ecosystem carbon and nutrient cycling. Here, we show that in 13 sympatric temperate tree species, when nutrient availability is patchy, thinner root species alter their foraging to exploit patches, whereas thicker root species do not. Moreover, there appear to be two distinct pathways by which thinner root tree species enhance foraging in nutrient-rich patches: AM trees produce more roots, whereas EM trees produce more mycorrhizal fungal hyphae. Our results indicate that strategies of nutrient foraging are complementary among tree species with contrasting mycorrhiza types and root morphologies, and that predictable relationships between below-ground traits and nutrient acquisition emerge only when both roots and mycorrhizal fungi are considered together.
机译:植物生长需要叶片的光合作用以及根系获取水和矿物质,这是许多生态系统功能的关键组成部分。虽然叶片功能性状在光合作用中的作用通常已得到很好的理解,但根系功能性状与养分吸收的关系却不为人知。特别是,从特定根系性状对养分获取策略的预测往往是模糊的。几乎所有植物的根部都与菌根真菌合作获取养分。大多数树种与丛枝菌根 (AM) 或外生菌根 (EM) 真菌形成共生。养分在土壤中分布不均,营养丰富的“热点”可能是植物的主要来源。因此,预测使菌根根系能够利用这些热点的觅食策略对于理解植物营养以及生态系统碳和养分循环至关重要。在这里,我们表明,在 13 种同温带树种中,当养分可用性不完整时,较薄的根种会改变它们的觅食方式以利用斑块,而较粗的根种则不会。此外,似乎有两种不同的途径,较薄的根树种通过这些途径增强了营养丰富的斑块中的觅食:AM树产生更多的根,而EM树产生更多的菌根真菌菌丝。我们的研究结果表明,养分觅食策略在菌根类型和根系形态截然不同的树种之间是互补的,只有当根系和菌根真菌同时考虑时,地下性状和养分获取之间的可预测关系才会出现。




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