首页> 外文期刊>plant breeding >Resistance toSeptoria triticiinHordeum chilense×Triticumspp. Amphiploids

Resistance toSeptoria triticiinHordeum chilense×Triticumspp. Amphiploids

机译:Resistance toSeptoria triticiinHordeum chilense×Triticumspp. Amphiploids



AbstractThe reaction of tritordeum and itsHordeum chilenseandTriticumspp. parents toSeptoria triticiwas studied in field and seedling experiments. All H. chilense lines were highly resistant to all the isolates and did not allow pycnidia development. The ‘durum wheat isolate’ developed pycnidia only on durum wheats. The ‘breed wheat isolate’ was very virulent on bread wheat but also on the wild tetra‐ploid wheats. The other two isolates were compatible with durum and bread wheat. All hexaploid tritordeums were highly resistant both in the field and the seedling experiments. Some octoploid tritordeums allowed pycnidial development, but at much lower levels than their wheat parent. Resistance in tritordeum was not associated with plant stature and only in octoploid tritordeum was association of resistance with late maturity




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