
Preparation of PVC pitch from waste pipe


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Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is one of the most popular plastics. Its production exceeded 26 million tons/year in the world. Although the combustion of solid waste including plastics is the most conventional procedure to reduce its volume by recovering energy, the combustion of waste PVC gives out hazardous exhausts. Pyrolysis may provide a better choice through preparing chlorine free tar/pitch from waste PVC. The pyrolytic mechanism of pure PVC and PVC pipe has been studied 1,2. Based on the pyrolysis process, carbon fibers were prepared from pitch derived from pure PVC, which is attractive for material recycle of the waste 3. The present authors prepared successfully activated carbon fibers (ACFs) from commercial PVC based pitch, which showed a higher De-SOx activity than commercial ACFs 4. However, it is still difficult to spin the pitch derived from waste PVC to prepare CFs and even ACFs because PVC pitch often contains solid additive such as CaCO_3 derived from the waste. In the present study, our objective is to prepare PVC pitch from waste pipe through extraction and heat-treatment processes. Such a precursor was attempted to prepare carbon materials such as CFs and ACFs.




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