首页> 外文期刊>Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition >The effect of age on the pharmacokinetics of pentisomide

The effect of age on the pharmacokinetics of pentisomide




AbstractThe effects of age on the pharmacokinetics of pentisomide (CM7857), an orally effective antiarrhythmic agent, were studied in two groups of volunteers. Sixteen young volunteers (mean age 26·4 years) and 10 elderly volunteers (mean age 67·8 years) received a single 200 mg oral dose of pentisomide. Mean AUC was larger and terminal elimination half‐life longer in the elderly subjects, due to a decrease in total plasma clearance of pentisomide in the elderly. This decrease was due to a reduction in renal clearance of the drug which was paralleled by a significantly lower creatinine clearance in the elderly subjects. Dosage reduction, or a reduced frequency of dosing of pentisomide would be necessary in the elderly or those with impaired renal funct
机译:摘要 在两组志愿者中研究了年龄对口服有效抗心律失常药物戊异酰胺(CM7857)药代动力学的影响。16 名年轻志愿者(平均年龄 26·4 岁)和 10 名老年志愿者(平均年龄 67·8 岁)接受了单次 200 mg 口服剂量的喷糖胺。由于老年人戊异米胺的总血浆清除率降低,老年受试者的平均AUC更大,终末消除半衰期更长。这种下降是由于药物的肾脏清除率降低,这与老年受试者的肌酐清除率显着降低平行。减少剂量,或减少戊异胺的给药频率对于老年人或肾功能受损的人是必要的




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