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Helicobacter pyloriSeropositivity in Patients With Hyperemesis Gravidarum




In theory, increased fluid accumulation resulting from elevated steroid hormones in pregnant women could lead to a pH shift in the gastrointestinal tract, with subclinicalHelicobacter pyloriinfection becoming manifest as a consequence. Hyperemesis gravidarum is relatively frequent in primigravidas with high serum estradiol. This prospective study used anH. pylori–specific fluorescent serum antibody test to find any association betweenH. pyloriinfection and hyperemesis gravidarum. Subjects included 95 pregnant women with hyperemesis gravidarum and 116 unaffected women matched for gestational age.H. pyloriinfection was detected in 91.5 percent of women with hyperemesis gravidarum and in 45 percent of control subjects. The two groups did not differ significantly in age, gravidity, or parity, and there were no substantial differences in preterm births, small-for-gestational-age infants, perinatal deaths, or miscarriages. The hospital stay averaged 5.5 days for women with hyperemesis gravidarum and 1.5 days for control subjects.These findings support the possibility that hyperemesis gravidarum is associated withH. pyloriinfection. It might seem reasonable to eradicateH. pyloriin women with hyperemesis gravidarum to prevent transmitting infection to the fetus, but treating this infection during pregnancy, especially with metronidazole, is problematic.Int J Gynecol Obstet 1999;66:251–254
机译:从理论上讲,孕妇类固醇激素升高导致的液体蓄积增加可能导致胃肠道的 pH 值发生变化,因此亚临床幽门幽门螺杆菌感染变得明显。妊娠剧吐在血清雌二醇水平高的原孕者中相对常见。这项前瞻性研究使用了 anH。幽门螺杆菌特异性荧光血清抗体检测,以发现幽门螺杆菌之间的任何关联。幽门菌感染和妊娠剧吐。受试者包括 95 名妊娠剧吐孕妇和 116 名与胎龄相匹配的未受影响女性,在 91.5% 的妊娠剧吐女性和 45% 的对照受试者中检测到幽门螺杆菌感染。两组在年龄、妊娠或胎次方面没有显著差异,在早产、小于胎龄儿、围产期死亡或流产方面没有显著差异。妊娠剧吐女性的平均住院时间为 5.5 天,对照组平均住院时间为 1.5 天。这些发现支持妊娠剧吐与H相关的可能性。幽门菌感染。根除H似乎是合理的。幽门素 患有妊娠剧吐的妇女 以防止将感染传播给胎儿,但在怀孕期间治疗这种感染,尤其是使用甲硝唑,是有问题的。国际妇科妇产科杂志 1999;66&冒号;251–254




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