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The Eukaryotic CMG Helicase at the Replication Fork: Emerging Architecture Reveals an Unexpected Mechanism


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The eukaryotic helicase is an 11-subunit machine containing an Mcm2-7 motor ring that encircles DNA, Cdc45 and the GINS tetramer, referred to as CMG (Cdc45, Mcm2-7, GINS). CMG is "built" on DNA at origins in two steps. First, two Mcm2-7 rings are assembled around duplex DNA at origins in G1 phase, forming the Mcm2-7 "double hexamer." In a second step, in S phase Cdc45 and GINS are assembled onto each Mcm2-7 ring, hence producing two CMGs that ultimately form two replication forks that travel in opposite directions. Here, we review recent findings about CMG structure and function. The CMG unwinds the parental duplex and is also the organizing center of the replisome: it binds DNA polymerases and other factors. EM studies reveal a 20-subunit core replisome with the leading Pol epsilon and lagging Pol alpha-primase on opposite faces of CMG, forming a fundamentally asymmetric architecture. Structural studies of CMG at a replication fork reveal unexpected details of how CMG engages the DNA fork. The structures of CMG and the Mcm2-7 double hexamer on DNA suggest a completely unanticipated process for formation of bidirectional replication forks at origins.
机译:真核解旋酶是一种 11 亚基机器,包含一个 Mcm2-7 运动环,该运动环环围绕 DNA、Cdc45 和 GINS 四聚体,称为 CMG(Cdc45、Mcm2-7、GINS)。CMG在起源时“建立”在DNA上,分为两步。首先,在 G1 期的起点处,两个 Mcm2-7 环围绕双链 DNA 组装,形成 Mcm2-7“双六聚体”。在第二步中,在 S 阶段,将 Cdc45 和 GINS 组装到每个 Mcm2-7 环上,从而产生两个 CMG,最终形成两个沿相反方向行进的复制叉。在这里,我们回顾了关于CMG结构和功能的最新发现。CMG 解开亲本双链体,也是复制体的组织中心:它结合 DNA 聚合酶和其他因子。EM 研究揭示了一个 20 亚基核心复制体,在 CMG 的相对面上具有领先的 Pol ε 和滞后的 Pol α-引物酶,形成了一个基本不对称的结构。CMG在复制叉处的结构研究揭示了CMG如何与DNA叉接合的意想不到的细节。CMG 和 DNA 上的 Mcm2-7 双六聚体的结构表明,在起源处形成双向复制叉的过程完全出乎意料。




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