
Gary Anderson has been found!

机译:加里·安德森(Gary Anderson)被找到了!

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We tell the story of Gary Anderson, whose 1970 brainchild is recognized by nearly everyone on the planet. The thousands involved in recycling - businesses, governmental agencies, environmental groups and others - owe much gratitude to a 51-year-old Baltimore resident. As a 23-year-old college student, he won a contest sponsored by a recycled product maker, and, by doing so, graphically helped push recycling forward. With this article, written by two of the many recycling professionals who have hunted for him in the past years, we reintroduce Gary Anderson to the recycling world.
机译:我们讲述了加里·安德森(Gary Anderson)的故事,他1970年的创意几乎得到了地球上所有人的认可。数千名参与回收的人——企业、政府机构、环保组织和其他机构——非常感谢一位 51 岁的巴尔的摩居民。作为一名 23 岁的大学生,他赢得了由回收产品制造商赞助的比赛,并通过这样做,生动地推动了回收利用。通过这篇文章,由过去几年寻找他的众多回收专业人士中的两位撰写,我们将 Gary Anderson 重新介绍给回收世界。




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