
Fast Kernel-Based Independent Component Analysis


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Recent approaches to independent component analysis (ICA) have used kernel independence measures to obtain highly accurate solutions, particularly where classical methods experience difficulty (for instance, sources with near-zero kurtosis). FastKICA (fast HSIC-based kernel ICA) is a new optimization method for one such kernel independence measure, the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion (HSIC). The high computational efficiency of this approach is achieved by combining geometric optimization techniques, specifically an approximate Newton-like method on the orthogonal group, with accurate estimates of the gradient and Hessian based on an incomplete Cholesky decomposition. In contrast to other efficient kernel-based ICA algorithms, FastKICA is applicable to any twice differentiable kernel function. Experimental results for problems with large numbers of sources and observations indicate that FastKICA provides more accurate solutions at a given cost than gradient descent on HSIC. Comparing with other recently published ICA methods, FastKICA is competitive in terms of accuracy, relatively insensitive to local minima when initialized far from independence, and more robust towards outliers. An analysis of the local convergence properties of FastKICA is provided.
机译:最近的独立成分分析(ICA)方法使用核独立性措施来获得高度准确的解决方案,特别是在经典方法遇到困难的情况下(例如,峰度接近零的源)。FastKICA(基于快速 HSIC 的内核 ICA)是一种新的优化方法,用于一种这样的内核独立性度量,即希尔伯特-施密特独立性准则 (HSIC)。该方法的高计算效率是通过结合几何优化技术(特别是正交群上的近似牛顿方法)与基于不完全 Cholesky 分解的梯度和 Hessian 的准确估计来实现的。与其他基于内核的高效ICA算法相比,FastKICA适用于任何可二倍可微分的内核函数。对大量源和观测问题的实验结果表明,FastKICA在给定成本下提供了比HSIC梯度下降更准确的解决方案。与其他最近发表的ICA方法相比,FastKICA在准确性方面具有竞争力,在初始化时对局部最小值相对不敏感,并且对异常值更可靠。分析了FastKICA的局部收敛特性。




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