首页> 外文期刊>Teratogenesis, carcinogenesis, and mutagenesis >Müllerian remnants of male mice exposed prenatally to diethylstilbestrol

Müllerian remnants of male mice exposed prenatally to diethylstilbestrol




AbstractPrenatal exposure of males to diethylstilbestrol (DES) results in reproductive tract teratogenesis, ie, retention of Müllerian duct remnants. The potential of these remnants to develop pathological changes has not been studied. Therefore, pregnant outbred CD‐1 mice were subcutaneously injected with daily doses of DES (100 μg/kg) on days 9 through 16 of gestation. DES‐exposed male offspring and age‐matched control male mice were sacrificed at 10 to 18 mo of age and examined for reproductive tract abnormalities. Prominent Müllerian remnants were observed in 268 out of 277 (97) of the DES‐exposed male mice. These remnants differentiated into “femalelike structures” homologous to oviduct and uterus. The Müllerian remnants were often enlarged and cystic and shared supporting connective tissue with adjacent male structures. Previously reported lesions, termed “epididymal cysts,” were determined histologically to be cystic “oviductlike” structures and were, therefore, considered a Müllerian duct abnormality. Pathological changes in these male oviductal and uterine homologs included benign and malignant lesions.In addition, epididymal structures were altered. Inflammation and sperm granulomas were prevalent in DES‐treated mice as young as 10 mo old but were only observed in control mice at 18 mos. Cysts of epididymal duct origin, hyperplasia, and adenoma of the epididymal duct were also observed. No comparable abnormalities were noted in 122 control males of corresponding ages.The data presented in this report demonstrated that transplacental exposure to DES affected the differentiation and normal development of the male genital tract involving both the Müllerian (paramesonephric) and Wolffian (mesonephric) ducts. The long‐term changes in these tissues include lesions, some of which resembled neoplasia although the natural history of the lesions is not known. Moreover, some previously described abnormalities referred to as “epididymal cysts” were associated with tissues der
机译:摘要 男性产前暴露于己烯雌酚(DES)可导致生殖道致畸,即苗勒管残余物的滞留。这些残余物发生病理变化的潜力尚未得到研究。因此,在妊娠第9天至第16天,将怀孕的近交CD-1小鼠皮下注射每日剂量的DES(100μg/ kg)。在10至18个月大时处死DES暴露的雄性后代和年龄匹配的对照雄性小鼠,并检查生殖道异常。在277只暴露于DES的雄性小鼠中,有268只(97%)观察到明显的苗勒管残余物。这些残余物分化成与输卵管和子宫同源的“女性样结构”。苗勒管残余物通常增大且呈囊性,并与相邻的雄性结构共享支撑结缔组织。先前报道的病变称为“附睾囊肿”,在组织学上被确定为囊性“输卵管样”结构,因此被认为是苗勒管异常。这些男性输卵管和子宫同源物的病理变化包括良性和恶性病变。此外,附睾结构也发生了变化。炎症和精子肉芽肿在DES治疗的小鼠中普遍存在,年龄仅为10个月,但仅在18个月的对照小鼠中观察到。还观察到附睾导管起源的囊肿、增生和附睾导管腺瘤。在122名相应年龄的对照男性中没有发现可比的异常。本报告中提供的数据表明,经胎盘暴露于 DES 会影响涉及苗勒管(系膜旁)和 Wolffian(中肾管)的男性生殖道的分化和正常发育。这些组织的长期变化包括病变,其中一些类似于肿瘤,尽管病变的自然病程尚不清楚。此外,一些先前描述的被称为“附睾囊肿”的异常与组织有关。




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